Today in splinterlands I learned: Stats are important

in Splinterlands3 years ago

The more and more I played this game the more I can see its resemblance to different card games. Although you don't get to really have a hand in attacking or defending or any control of the such, you gain even more in the power of preparation and foresight. It's quite often where you can lose to certain cards that counter your deck or certain strategies that reign supreme, the rock-paper-scissors of all decks. But what I've come to notice that has helped me gain considerable consistency in my win rate is:

The Power of Stats


Now for original Hearthstone players such as I you'd recognize this card. But for those of you who do not know, back in the early stages of Hearthstone's release, this 4 mana card was one of the most played if not the most played 4-drop. The reason being, the stats. Other cards had powerful keywords and abilities but when it came down to efficiency, the Chillwind Yeti just had better stats.

And that is what I would like to convey today is to not let some cards out of your sight purely because they have no keyword or no ability. Let's take a look at some examples.

A community favourite would be the Living Lava


Everyone loves his "Shield", with the ability to reduce all melee and range attacks, he is one of if not the strongest tank from the base set. But I would argue it's not actually his "Shield" ability that makes him so threatening, but that 3 attack. I've had many games where Living Lava was my last card standing and that 3 attack proceeded to shred through the entire enemy team in a matter of rounds, even with what little health Living Lava had.

Another card to show off would be the Dark's splinters crazy tank, Haunted Spirit

Now Haunted Spirit is another card whom's keyword takes the shine, his Heal is no slouch, gaining back 2 Health every round but again I'd like to point out the stats on this card. 7 health means he is a stable tank, which is what allows his Heal to be so powerful in the first place, but 2 attack means he can also contribute significant damage every turn and eventually clean up quickly enough to survive and ultimately win games through sheer tanking.

Lastly. I'd like to showcase the card that really blew my mind and what made me make this post and it is the Earth Elemental


Now this card really blew my mind because at 1 Ranged attack and 1 Speed, its not really outpacing or doing a whole lot. But what it does do is survive. With 6 Health the Earth Elemental became the perfect damage sponge for my more important and significant cards and with perfect placement to counter some Snipes or Sneaks, the Earth Elemental can take maybe 2 rounds of heat without dying, more than enough time to secure your win. All of that for ONLY 3 MANA.

Now don't get more started on stat efficient cards WITH keywords, and there are numerous of those. I just wanted to showcase the power of stats for today.

Alright thank you all for the quick read and stay safe everyone!


Here's a small tip 👍🏾 @tipu curate