The Episode Challenge: Dominion; Pt.3

in Splinterlands4 months ago




This week's @thepeoplesguild challenge is the 3rd and final part of their 3-part challenge which involves the creation of totally new set of cards, which could replace the current Gladiator set we have. The set's name will be Dominion and the name of the monsters - Domineers.

This third part of the challenge is about the creation of an Epic card and two Rare cards which take on the abilities I have already created in part 1 of the challenge (you can see my post about it HERE). You can also check out the Legendary and two Common cards I created for the 2nd part of the Challenge (HERE)

So, the card I have decided to make the first Rare one is the Earth one. I have named it - Earthen Domineer:


  • First and foremost it has its signature ability at Level 1:
    Domineer's Tenacity - Grant +3 Armor to all friendly Monsters while the Domineer has 2 or more Armor. I think it is important for it to get the most significant ability off the bat because otherwise people in Novice/Bronze won't have the chance to experience such an interesting ability.
  • Then at level 6 it gains Reach - Gaining Reach would make this Monsters a very nice off-tank and I don't think the Earth Element has that many of those.
  • Finally at level 8 it gains Reflection Shield - again the addition of Reflection Shield is very synergistic with the rest of its kit.
  • I've set the cost at 7 mana because the buff it provides it actually very powerful on a lot of occasions. Even though it does leave the whole team susceptible to Magic Damage so the player will have to account for that for sure.

Next is the Second Rare card. It's the Neutral one - Diplomatic Domineer:


  • Of course, it starts with its signature ability at level one:
    Domineer's Diplomacy - Every time a friendly Neutral Monster gets Healed, grant it Divine shield. Getting a Divine Shield each time a tank (for instance) is healed basically means you mitigate (at least) 1 hit on that unit each round. Of course you'll have to watch out for stuff such as Affliction as they can end your party before it even starts.
  • It gains Strengthen at level 6. Strengthen is a good choice for a unit which promotes more healing on the team as the more health the team has, the more opportunity there is for it to be successfully healed.
  • Finally at level 8 it gains Divine Shield. Divine Shield is an ability you can't go wrong with, it's just useful, and since the whole theme of the card revolves around it, why not throw it on it for flavor.
  • 4 mana because it would be a fun card for Little League.
    And last but definitely not least - the Epic card - which happens to be a member of the Dragon Element - the Courageous Domineer:


  • Again the signature ability of the card is available at level 1:
    Domineer's Courage - Whenever a friendly Monster is the first to Attack during the Round (excluding Ambush phase) grant all friendly Monsters +1 Attack (Melee, Ranged or Magic depending on the type of damage the unit is inflicting) until the next round. I think that granting +1 Attack to your whole team for a round is a pretty big deal (poor enemy tank). I've specifically made the unit with 6 Speed at max level to help with that at least on round 1. Of course the enemy can bring a lot of Speed modifiers on their side of the board as well so 6 Speed will often not cut it.
  • It gains its second ability - Flying at level 4. Come on, even Dragonkin dragons with smaller wings can fly!
  • Finally at level 6 (maxed) it gains its final ability - Opportunity. If you want to stick to the Speed meta and be courageous, you gotta know when the opportune time to strike is... that's immediately.. I guess... :D
  • So Many 6's - will they bring you fortune or doom your soul - it's yet to be seen...


Over and Out,

 4 months ago  

Woohoo! Beautifully done, GBG! Cheers for another submission amigo :)