Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

in Splinterlands3 months ago


So, the Hall of Legends sale for the two most recent cards - Meriput Mossmender and Nephket has been going for 8 days now and there are still 6 to go.

However, they have preloaded the information about the next and final set of promo cards, following these two, so let's have a look at them and see if they are any good.


  • The first one is the Warborn Shaman:


She is a 10-mana Water/Death Unit. At level one she starts with 3 Magic Attack, 2 Speed, 4 Armor and 6 Health as well as 1 ability - Void Armor. At level two she gains an additional ability - Impede. Next at level 4 she gains her third ability - Ambush. Then at level 6 she gains her 4th ability - Poison. And finally maxed, at level 8, she gains her 5th ability - Heal. The rest of the stats at max level are as follows: 3 Magic Attack, 3 Speed, 4 Armor and 8 Health. So, this card will be sold for 3000 credits/DEC per copy (as all previous rare ones) and a max card (from the shop) will cost 345,000 DEC. While it looks like a cool card, I am currently unsure how well it will fit in the meta we have right now. 10 Mana is on the expensive side, and also makes her susceptible to Giant Killer. On the other hand she does look like a pretty good unit for the Wands Out ruleset. Maybe her position in the team would be optimal as an off-tank or at the back of the line-up to protect against enemy sneak action. Still a lot of other cards can perform these duties for a lot less mana. Her Heal at max level is definitely attractive though, however, I think that a level 6 copy could also do most of the work expected from her as long as she's not supposed to be taking a lot of damage. On 2nd thought Heal might be a bit un-synergistic with Void Armor. Maybe Repair could have been a better option?


  • The next one is Fizbo the Fabulous:


Fizbo the Fabulous is a 6-mana Legendary Fire/Earth unit. At level 1 he starts with the following stats: 2 Magic Attack, 2 Speed, 1 Armor and 4 Health and Tank Heal. Even at level 1 I think he's a must-have card since he brings Tank Heal to the Fire time in the Modern Meta. But wait there's more! At level 2 he gains his signature ability (and newly introduced to the game) Shroud of Reflection Shield - At the start of battle, adjacent units gain Reflection Shield. That's huge in a Tofu-donimated meta and a great way to counter Thorns. I can see Fizbo becoming a basically must-play in most Tofu vs Tofu battles. At level 3 he gains Affliction which is always useful. And finally at level 4 - maxed - he gains a additional point in the damage department for a total of 3 Magic Damage. My initial thoughts of this card are that at least a level 3 will be a must-have (even if you don't enjoy its art ;) ). I am not sure that getting 5 more BCX for an additional point in Magic Damage is justified. Maybe if it gained 1 more ability? There's still time and things could change, so we'll see if they make any alterations.

Before the battle, let's also have a look at how the Auction House card is going:


It's been going great so far I must say. And what's even more interesting is that the price has actually been going up after slightly dipping compared to what the first card sold for. A couple of whales have vowed to not allow the floor for any of the cards to drop below $1000. We'll see if they'll manage to keep their promise in the next 67 days.



Let's have a look at one of the Monsters in the set and how he is used in battle. The Monster is, of course, no other than the outRAGEous Rage.

Now before we get into the stats discussion of Rage, let's have a sneak peek into his LORE.

It turns out Rage is the patriarch of the infamous flight of Red Dragons whose matriarch is you know who.. Well, if you actually do not remember Agor Longtails is the matriarch, which means she is his wife. That's the very formidable combo of huge characters for sure.


Alright, we've got some idea of who Rage is, after glancing at his lore. Let us have a look at his stats and abilities at different key levels now.


  • Rage is a Legendary Monster. At level 1 he has 4 Magic Attack, 4 Speed, 5 Armor and 12 Health and he starts off with Flying (Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the Flying ability) ability and Void (Reduced damage from Magic attacks). It is, of course, really, really useful if you want to put a Melee Monster without Reach in the off-tank spot.
  • At level 2 he gains his 3rd ability which is actually his signature one - Weapons Training (Adjacent units with no attack gain this unit's attack, up to a maximum of 3).
  • At level 3 he gains his 4th ability and 2nd in terms of importance - Life Leech (Monster's health increases each time it damages an enemy Monster's health in proportion to the damage dealt). It is a pretty useful ability in the long battles of attrition which the Rebellion meta has brought upon us.
  • Finally, maxed out at level 4 he has 5 Magic Attack, 4 Speed, 5 Armor and 11 Health. He also gains his final ability - Affliction (When a Monster with Affliction hits a target, it has a chance of applying Affliction on the target causing it to be unable to be healed).
    Now that we know what the card does (or doesn't do) at the different levels of play, let us have a look at the battle I have chosen to showcase.


  • The line-up of the Battle and the Ruleset:

The rulesets for this battle are Keep Your Distance (Monsters with Melee attack may not be used in battles), Holy Protection (All Monsters have the Divine Shield (The first time the Monster takes damage it is ignored) ability) and Taking Sides (Neutral Monsters may not be used in battles) ability. The mana budget is 57 which is a fairly good amount so I will be able to splurge on chunkier Monsters. All Elements are available but Death. I'll of course go with the Dragon Element.



The 1st spot is for Baakjira. This is a usual spot for this behemoth of a card. Other than the 3 Magic attack it will gain it also has a great package of abilities - Void (Reduced damage from Magic attacks), Slow (Reduces the Speed of all enemy Monsters), Strengthen (All friendly Monsters have increased Health) and Heal (Restores a portion of the Monster's health each round). Since the ruleset is Noxious Fumes, Bakjeera is more than adequately equipped to tackle it despite not having Immunity as an ability.



The 2nd spot is for the protagonist of this battle - Rage. I've got him here to provide Magic Attack to his two neighbors on both sides.



The 3rd spot is reserved for the Merdaali Guardian. It's a great support Monster in various rulesets with its frankly Meta abilities - Tank Heal (restores a portion of the Monster in the first position's health each round), Repair (restores some armor to the friendly Monster whose armor has taken the most damage) and Strengthen (all friendly Monsters have increased Health). It can be very useful for sure but is often taken out early by enemy Monsters with Overpower so that's one of the drawbacks it has for sure. Thankfully she is in no danger of getting hit by Overpower thanks to the Summoner I am planning to run this battle.



The 4th place in the line-up goes to the Chaos Dragon. I have in this spot since it is a Flying Monster (a true dragon) with a decent health pool and armor so it can evade a few hits or take a few hits if it has to. It also has the Blind (All enemy Melee & Ranged attacks have an increased chance of missing their target) ability in its arsenal. We know that every miss is important. It also has Blast (Does additional damage to Monsters adjacent to the target Monster). But actually its most importantly ability right now is Scattershot (This Monsters attacks hit a random enemy target) due to the current meta almost everybody is taking advantage of.



The 5th spot goes to the River Nymph. It is another Magic Attack Monster with great support abilities - Cleanse (removes all negative effects on the Monster in the first position on the friendly team), Amplify (increases Magic Reflect, Return Fire, and Thorns damage to all enemy units by 1) and Swiftness (all friendly Monsters have increased Speed). My goal with including the River Nymph in the line-up is to potentially remove Affliction/Poison cast on Bakjeera and also boost its Speed.



Last but not least is Oshuur Constantia. I've got her here to support my front line Monster through her Tank Heal (Restores a portion of the unit in the first position's health each round) ability as long as possible. She can also take a hit or two if it gets to that, while healing herself in the meantime. What's important is that she has the Reflection Shield (This Monster doesn't take damage from Blast, Magic Reflect, Thorns, or Return Fire) ability so she does not suffer any damage when her Magic Attacks are reflected back to her. She also has Resurrect (When a friendly unit dies it is brought back to life with 1 Health. This ability can only trigger once per battle) which is definitely one of the other top tier abilities.

It is time for a quick round by round analysis:

  • The Summoner I am going with for the battle is, as you have probably already guessed - Lily. That's the go-to Summoner for the current state of the Rebellion meta and if you don't go with Lily when available you usually have to go with Jacek if you want to try to play the somewhat hard-counter option. Of course Jacek sometimes basically counters himself through extremely poor RNG so that's not really an option which always has the best outcome. However, my opponent has decided to go with Obsidian in an somewhat peculiar line-up. Let's see how this goes.


  • After 1 round of exchanging blows I there are no casualties on either side.


  • Round 3 begins and my Monsters are still working on the enemy Slipspawn while their Monsters are busy attacking my Bakjeera.


  • Round 4 - I have finally managed to take down one of the enemy monsters and it actually was not the Slipspawn but the enemy front-line Monster - Ava.


  • Round 5 - the Slipspawn is finally down while my Bakjeera is still standing strong. I have a serious advantage at this point of the battle.


  • Round 6 - all that's left to do for my team is to kill off the last remaining enemy Monsters.


Rage is a ginormous member of the Dragon Element. He is currently being traded at $25 per bcx which makes him one of the most expensive Legendary non-summoner cards of this set which is also obtainable in packs.

Over and Out,


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Awesome new cards, mostly not for smaller players imo.
I'm still busy building my new modern silver deck so I don't have spare funds 😅

Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice