So, "players" found a way to abuse the system after all... and now the questpotions costs 750 DEC and i got only 1 left. That sux! Hope they come to a fix soon.
I was browsing trought the discord where this fellow was damn sure Splinterlands had made changes in their Terms and conditions because of the "exploit".
Another player contrahanded the guy that there was no such thing in the official updates... But the dude was strong at his words..
I had to go check out the TAC.
The TAC was updated last at 1 July which means that it hasn't been updated after the news about the "exploit".
I found no text involving multiaccounts, abuse etc.
The devs has ALWAYS been transparent about their updates.
So my conclusion is that this player only wanted to scare multiacounters off and used the very comon "i know things you dont" to start a rumour.
" #BTC will pump to 64k tomorrow at 12:14 - i know this because my fren told me. "
Link to the TAC: if you wanna check yourself.