10 Day Quest Potion Challenge, Day 2 - Also Maybe Win a Card Competition

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Ok so in a previous article I talked about using credits to buy some quest potions and to not be a hypocrite I went and bought 10 Quest potions and got free.

These Quest Potions cost $0.75 each, every day for the next 10 days I'll work out if I broke even or not

So for this study I am going to deviate off my last approach and take the last 5 chests as quest ones.

But how do I win a card?

Ok so i am going to run this 9 more times, if I break even or better someone wins a card! Also as i have 2 accounts going I'll tally the value of both quest chests, if the 10 chest > $1.49 someone wins! This is good for you because on avg. Chests are worth $0.6 to $1.2 each based on season end rewards

Great but how do I play?

Ok all you have to do is drop a comment with your IGN below and mention any of the drops in this post just to prove your not a bot. Then tommorow if I break even, you could win!

No votes or blog is needed but always appreciated!

As always if you are not yet signed up use my referal code, let me know and ill send some cards :) https://splinterlands.com?ref=failingforward

Ok lets see how it went.



Ok we have 1 Antminer worth $0.38 , a Sand worm worth $1.22 and...
680 dec worth $4.8

So $6.4 , so more then break even.. so I am going to give out a card

Congratulations to @chuckrick a chainspinner worth $0.34 is coming your way


@sand worm..thankyou very much @yasufuma

great man ! cheers you broke even this time

600 Dark Energy Crystals (DEC)IGN: @leukocytes

2 Sand Worms, nice. 😀
IGN: @amaari

Hmmm. Sandworm, Thank you in Advance. Ign: @xenonia

Sandworm would be nice! @fiiii

Sand worm is a great card to rent for starter I'd love to have more to use it at higher lv.
IGN: @sixpsy

Sandworm please @koipond

I wanna sand worm! thx for the oportunity!

Sand worm @zcaq

sand worm
ign: lockiit

Love me a Sand Worm. thanks. @squishna

Thank you so much for the card.
Trying for Sand Worm this time.

sand worm
user : arias1

A sandworm please @koition