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RE: 🎳 Daily Pack Opening & Giveaway, Ep. 27 🎳 Opening 2 UNTAMED! 🎳 Giving away 50 SPS/day until pre-sale! 🎳

in Splinterlands3 years ago


We all love to share our victories. We all feel proud whenever we do something magnificent. Thats why my most favorite part on splinterland is that they provide a sharable battle link on every match.

This might be a simple thing but many people whether bronze or champ, they always share their epic moments on social media. This appreciation they recieved from their posted battle link gives them motivation to do much better on their next battles. On the otherside, viewers of their battle link were also getting motivated since they found something useful and effective in the game

@elzaaa @kennysgaminglife