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RE: Splinterlands: Are we losing sight of what's important?

in Splinterlands2 years ago

I guess maybe I am in the minority here, but I have found the recent additions fun and engaging. The extra battle condition makes for even more information to process and consider when planning for battle. Brawl rivalries and guild bragging rights are a bright spot in my week. Tournaments continue to offer timed play opportunities to battle against the best collections in the game.

I don't have an idea how to help with the new player experience, I was an easy sell. I enjoy pretty much all aspects of the game and while I've only been here for 15 months with mostly the same format, I still work to make time to play the battles myself everyday. There are definitely some shortcomings that need to be sorted before we reach the masses and I wasn't privy to the early days you talk about at the start of the article, but there's still an exciting game here for me.

I would say my biggest concern is the land. I know the focus is to create a resource generating environment to make use of obsolete cards, but I'm not sure how that contributes to more exciting gameplay for new players. To me, it just distracts from the main strategy of the battles into some resource management side hustle and only benefits the people already here without providing much of any utility to the new players.

Land aside, I'm not sure what else you are expecting from game play. I think the new abilities of the soulbound cards are sweet and working to level those up over time is making every daily focus exciting. I think a bigger tournament scene would be cool. Every time I've tried to come up with a fairly costed draft format I've failed, so that has proven to be a bit of a dead end for limited Splinterlands. Not sure what else there is until we start to see the added complexity of the spells and abilities generated from the land.

I'm happy, I'm collecting, I'm making some ROI, but it is about the game play to me and making the most of those 150 seconds!


I appreciate the input!

I would say my biggest concern is the land. I know the focus is to create a resource generating environment to make use of obsolete cards, but I'm not sure how that contributes to more exciting gameplay for new players. To me, it just distracts from the main strategy of the battles into some resource management side hustle and only benefits the people already here without providing much of any utility to the new players.

Land is more for the 'investor' side of the equation. A typical player who doesn't own land would need to purchase goods from a land holder in future to use spells or whatever. For you the change in game play would be having spells to use. For whatever that will be worth...

I'm glad you are enjoying it so far. I'm not trying to claim it's bad. I used to play a lot more, for me it became stale. How long have you been playing?

15 months now

Hit me up in another year! LOL

Will do! Excited to see what modern rotation and a new set bring to gameplay, in addition to further leveling my soulbound reward cards.