Struggle Squad EP2

in Splinterlands5 years ago


Welcome back for Episode two of what has turned into a true struggle. Doing dailies is hard with just a basic spellbook. I did get lucky this week as you will see later and think the long journey to diamond is looking brighter than ever.

Weekly Earnings

Dailies are not a daily thing as I have not wanted this project to take away from my main account. However this was league reward week and I did pull a legend so the team got some upgrading. Here the legend and the league rewards.....

I sold the legend and turned it into 1700 DEC which turned into....

boarder 1.png

boarder 1.png



Highest Leauge - B1
Current DEC - 530 (I kept some of the DEC from the legend sale to play with later)

boarder 1.png

boarder 1.png

Closing thoughts

I need to get some battle links in here going forward. An advise section for new players also. As I struggle through this I see things I am doing only because I have some experience. Good tanks are a must in these lower league matches. As you can see it it was I make with purchases this round. Probably should have started with even more neutrals but oh well. Get up in league as quick as possible does help with the daily reward which in bronze is almost not worth doing.