My EOS Rewards in Splinterlands

in Splinterlands3 months ago

Hello to the Splinterlands community!

Hey Guys !

i finished with highest 3800 Points in Champion this season same as last season.

These are the EOS rewards from nearly 79k Glint:

i bought 5 Ultimate chests and 15 Major Chests from some.. with the rest only epic and rare draws to max em out faster. Luckily i got a Legendary in my Major chests which is pretty nice :)

Servus an die D-A-CH Community!

Schloss diese season mit highest 3800 Punkten in Champion ab genau so wie letze season.

Hier sind meine EOS Belohnungen aus knapp 79k Glint:

Hab mir davon 5 Ultimate Chests und 15 Major Chests gekauft .. Mit dem Rest ein paar Epic und Rare Karten um sie schneller zu maxen. Zum Glück eine Legendäre bei den Major Chests dabei :)




Have fun playing splinterlands guys and see you there on the Battlefield!

If you not into Splinterlands right now you can join HERE!

--- No financial advice! D.y.o.r. before Invest ---