Some stats from my website (WIP)

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hi all 👋,

I've continued work on my Splinterlands stats website which now displays some cool information I wanted to share.

The Statistics tab on the website lets you select a league and displays stats for around 400 recent battles. The data is displayed on a graph.

For now the information is limited to how many times each summoner was played and how often did it win.

Here is an example for the Silver league:


As you can see Alric Stormbringer is heavily played in this league, with a win rate of more than 50%.
Brighton Bloom also does really well here, with a win rate of almost 100%, although the data is scarce with him.

I will probably up the number of battles fetched to have more precise data.

Here is the graph for the Gold league:

I have never played in the Gold league but I'm sure someone will find this useful. We can see the used summoners varies much more, with a couple summoners showing a 50%+ win rate.

All the data is fetched in real time on the website so it is always up to date, you can go check it out for stats on other leagues.

Certain leagues might break some times and display no data, which is a problem I still need to find a way around, but most of the time they work.

I hope you find it useful and check the other features on the site!


page dark mode doesn't look good to me