Hidden Potential of Venari Cards

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Greetings to everyone!

Another season just ended, I hope everyone receive great rewards!
Anyways, today I'm gonna share my insight about The Venari Cards.
Venari cards are the new rewards cards, basically we can obtain this through daily quest rewards or you can buy at the market.

The Venari Cards

We have 5 types of Venari Cards at the moment at Splinterlands.

  1. Venari Heatsmith (Fire)
  2. Venari Wavesmith (Water)
  3. Venari Bonesmith (Death)
  4. Venari Crystalsmith (Life)
  5. Venari Seedsmith (Earth)

Venari Heatsmith (Fire)

v heatsmith.png
Max Level
Mana: 3
Armor: 4
HP: 4
Speed: 5
Price: 46$, as of today
Void Armor- Magic attacks hit armor first
Amplify- Increase Magic reflect, Return fire and Thorns damage to all enemy monster by 1
Thorns: When hit by a melee attacks, does damage back to the attacker

Venari Heatsmith is the only fire card that has void armor at low level (I don't know about other fire cards if they have Void Armor even at max level) unlike to Caladuum who has a Dispel Ability. Besides, Dispel and Void Armor are two different abilities.
Heathsmith can be a semi-tank type support fire card.
It can survive/defend other cards from those noraml/magic attacks, giving enough time for the backliners to unleash their attacks.
This card can be considered as "All-Rounder" due to its Amplify Ability, it can support other's abilities increasing its return damage.
You can par it with the following cards:
Screenshot 25.pngScreenshot 27.png

Because of its Repair Ability, it can fix the broken armor of Heatsmith, supporting it to survive longer especiallyto those magic attackers.

Screenshot 24.pngScreenshot 29.pngScreenshot 31.pngScreenshot 30.png

Heatsmith can increase return damage on their Thorn Ability and Magic Reflect.

Also, I add Beetle Queen for extra survivabilty and can complement with other cards due its healing ability and +1 damage to all friendly melee monsters.
Screenshot 28.png

Venari Wavesmith (Water)

v wavesmith.png
Max Level
Mana: 5
Attack: 3 (magic)
Armor: 0
HP: 4
Speed: 4
Price: 218$,(Lvl 8) as of today
Protect: gives +2 armor to all friendly monsters
Dispel: when this momster hits, it clears all positive status effect on that monster

Venari Wavesmith is the most popular among the 5 because of its Protect Ability!
Thanks to V. Wavesmith ability, the water deck rises again its tides to the shore.
Having a +2 armor to all your monsters gives a hard time for the opponent to destroy line-up especially to those pesky sneak, snipe and opportunity ability that hit backliners. Even Blast can no longer harm that much because it has to damage the armor first.
Even I, thankful to V. Wavesmith, I earned a lot of winning streak.
The good thing about magic is that, its attack penetrates armors and never misses unless a monster has an ability that a magic can miss its attack. Just becareful to those monster that can reflect magic because reflected magic attacks can still penetrate your monster armors!

I made some tips on how to counter it, check it out here in this link

There are a lot of ways on how to counter this move but if you missed to do so, just accept your defeat.

You can pair V. Wavesmith to any card using any Water/Dragon summoner.
You can check some of the following:
Ability: Double attack, Axemaster supports storming the first position enemy card with double attack
djnn oshanus.png
Ability: Void
Ability: Magic Reflect
ruler of c.png
Ability: Blast
Screenshot 37.png
Ability: Shield
Screenshot 38.png
Ability: Affliction

There are so many cards you can pair Wavesmith. But if the mana cap is high, these ones are complementing to each other. Magic attacks are always hitting the first position that is why I included Axemaster due to its Double Attack ability. But if a ruleset is given that is the time a magic attack goes at backline.
You can use them according to your opponents playstyle.

For the Dragon Summoners
Screenshot 39.png
-1 attack to all enemy melee monster
Screenshot 40.png
Ability: Flying- increase chance evading melee or range attacks
Screenshot 41.png
Ability: True Strike: attack never misses
Speed +2

Screenshot 12.png
Ability: Divine Shield

Almost all Dragon summonsers are vaible for use but these are some that can compliment to your team.

Venari Bonesmith (Death)

v bonesmith.png
Max Level
Mana: 4
Attack: 2 (magic)
Armor: 0
HP: 5
Speed: 4
Price: 49$,(Lvl 8) as of today
Life Leech

Venari Bonesmith is not that famous on death team and nobody wants to use it. Because there are some other cards can be useful than its ability.
BUT! if you're a Death Deck user, you wouldn't belittle this one cause its potential to be the next Lich King is invetable.

There are 3 Monster Cards with Life Leech Ability as their initial Ability at Death Deck

Screenshot 43.png

Screenshot 42.png

v bonesmith.png

Ancient Lich

AK is viable depending on the situation and mana cap.
It has a decent HP that can survive some few attacks if not the target focus
AK can attack after reaching the first position
Though AK can attack the last due to its 1 speed but if the rule is set that the slowest speed will attack first and chances to evade attacks, then it will be an advantage to AK.


Among the 3 Life Leechers, Vampire is the fastest attacker.
But, if an opponent uses a Monster card with an Opportunity ability, probably it will go down first depending if there are other low hp monster cards. But if its lucky and miss an attack. It can survive longer. The only downside that I see on Vampire is that when it reaches the first position it will become a punching bag.
It can no longer attack but if a rule is set to range attackers can attack at first position then it will be an advantage especially its attack can really destroy an armor.

Venari Bonesmith

Is the minimal figure of Ancient King
Decent HP, Speed, and can attack even at first position.
Also, viable due to low mana requirement.
BUT, Bonesmith is seldom use because comparing to its mana cap, there are other monster can be more useful.


Max level Ancient King + Vampire + V. Bonesmith
It's really a Zombie Apocalypse
Ancient King with its Ability Void + Resurrect
Vampire with Flying Ability + Speed: 7 (miss + miss, I hope so )
V. Bonesmith Poison + Dispel Ability
These three can go hand and hand to each other.

Venari Crystalsmith (Life)

v crystalsmith.png
Max Level
Mana: 4
Attack: 3 (range)
Armor: 0
HP: 6
Speed: 4
Price: 17.70$,(Lvl 4) as of today
Tank Heal

Venari Crystalsmith is the new meta for Life Deck when it comes to healing.
Divine Healer + V. Crystalsmith, the first position monster was healed twice in a round
Shieldbearer + Divine Healer + V. Crystalsmith is like a Life King!
The good thing about V.Crystalsmith, even at level 1 it can do an attack at range unlike Divine Healer needs to be upgraded to Lvl 3.

You can try this combination pumping all the support at first position
Summoner: Chanseus The Great
Screenshot 44.png

Screenshot 47.png
Serves as the FOCUSED TARGET because of TAUNT Ability + Shield + Return Fire

Screenshot 16.png
Support 1: Silence all enemy + Thorns, will serves as secondary tank

Screenshot 50.png
Support 2: Repair Damage armor + third tank

Screenshot 46.png
Support 3: +2 armor to all ally + removes negative effect to first position, to counter Affliction Ability + Heal

Screenshot 52.png
Support 4: +1 HP to all ally + Heal to backline with the most damage

Screenshot 49.png
Support 5: Heal + Slow

v crystalsmith.png
Support 6: Heal + removes positive buff on enemy when hit

Shieldbearer + Divine Healer + V. Crystalsmith + Armorsmith + Truthspeaker + Djinn Renova
Anti-magic, anti-blast, anti-double attack,
damage can be cover up by heal, the heal can be all round

or can substitute Klaus to Shieldbearer having this as one package, and can change some other cards to your likeness
Screenshot 51.png

This is just my suggestion line-up, I would love to try it but dont have the capacity to try it.
If anyone have tried this, can you please show me the result.

Venari Seedsmith (Earth)

v seedsmith.png
Max Level
Mana: 5
Attack: 4 (range)
Armor: 0
HP: 4
Speed: 4
Price: 14$,(Lvl 5) as of today

The last Venari, Venari Seedsmith
I was wondering why of all the Ability that can be given by the devs, Scavenger was passed down to Seedsmith.
In my surprise, Seedsmith was the only Earth card with a Scavenger Ability (correct me if Im wrong).
Scavenger Ability takes its effect if an ally/enemy dies it gives additonal health to monster with scavenger ability.
Seedsmith has decent HP, attack , speed and mana cap
With correct line-up, Seedsmith will shine. It will serve as a semi tank at the line up after it obtain some HP at and poisoned some targets.
Players usually set up cards with Scavenger Ability at 3rd or 4th position just like the Ant Scavenger (Fire). The adavantage of Seedsmith is that it was a range attacker but the downside it cant attack after reaching the first position unlike the Ant Scavenger that is melee. But chances is high when in favored of rule where a range attacker can attack even at first position.

Thats all for me!
Feel free to comment below for reactions, comments, corrections, suggestion or anything.

Sorry for the long post guys I was hyped by all the knowledge but now I need to sleep. haha!
Thank you all! Please help me in every way,
God bless us all!


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