Splinterlands Weekly Challenge SHARE YOUR BATTLE with Rusty Android Monster

Hello Everyone,



There are great news from Splinterlands as there are many Cryptos are being added for trading Splinterlands monsters and even a new Legendary summoner has been revealed as part of the next airdrop for Untamed version.

Here I am with a blog on the new Splinterlands Weekly Challenge featuring Rusty Android monster.

Rusty Android:


Rusty Android is a common neutral rewards card monster which gives melee attack with an ability of magic reflect as mentioned below under Statistics.



As we see above, this melee monster gives 2 attack to start with and can go up to 4 melee attack.
As for as speed is concerned, it starts with minimal speed and can be a maximum of 4 in penultimate level out of 10 levels.
The health is something starts with 6 and goes up to 10 in maximum level.
It's single ability of magic reflect makes it more useful against magic monsters.




Rusty Android of level 5 is what I have and it gives me an attack of 3 with 8 health and I felt, I should use it in a Melee Mayhem or Super Sneak battles to maximize it's usage as I can use in the middle of the lineup.
Accordingly, I got a Melee Mayhem battle as the details are provided above with another ruleset being Close Range and there was a mana cap of 30.
My lineup for this Melee Mayhem battle is as below:

Silvershield Paladin:


Being a monster with 'armors' and also has shield ability, this is my best bet for front monster in a Melee Mayhem battle.

Rusty Android:


Used this in second position for any magic attack that might be in there as it has a magic reflect ability and can attack back magic monsters.

Silvershield Assassin:


A monster with sneak ability, I use it in most of the battles I fight with Life splinter to keep it as a surprise attack weapon to attack from backside when opponent expects me to attack the front monster.

Silvershield Knight:


This is the monster with that inspire ability and gives a boost to all my *melee8 monsters with increasing the attack by 1.

Divine Healer:


A healer with a magic attack as well and does fit into this attack as we need healing for the Silvershield Paladin which will take most of the attack.

Furious Chicken:


Lastly, I used this 0 mana cost monster to cover the back end for any sneak attack and this can even give 2 melee attack after inspired by Silvershield Knight.

That was the lineup I had for this battle and it was an all Life Splinter battle as even opponent used the same and his lineup included Rusty Android(probably he was also battling it for this challenge :) ), Silvershield Knight, Baby Unicorn, Spirit Miner, Truthspeaker and Divine Healer.


Good to have Rusty Android in a melee mayhem battle as we can exploit it's 4 melee attack in a better way by using it in second line than as a front monster.

Round 1:

Like I said, Rusty Android is better to be used in the second line in melee mayhem battles because of it's weakness in getting attacked and removed early and opponent's move to use it at front position made it lose early in round One itself since it was the point of attack for the battle type.


Round 2:

While the Silvershield Paladin I used was getting attacked and then getting healed to stay alive, opponent lost Divine Healer in this round courtesy of Silvershield Assassin's sneak attack and his monster count reduced to 4 after round 2.


Round 3:

There was a monster getting removed from my lineup in this round with Silvershield Paladin losing out after taking so much attack and opponent was to see removal of 2 of his monsters Truthspeaker and Silvershield Knight.


The battle go over with removal of the remaining 2 monsters from opponent's lineup in the form of Spirit Miner and Baby Unicorn and that was a rather easy win for me all because of that Silvershield Paladin's usage at the front.



Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

I must say it worked 100% with front monster Silvershield Paladin able to survive the battle for 3 rounds and remaining high attack monsters including the healer Divine Healer chipping in in this win.
I really can't think of any better monster to be included in this lineup as it was a good win for me.

Do you like RUSTY ANDROID? Why or why not?

Not one of those monster I use much, but yes, I do use it when I see any Melee Mayhem or Super Sneak battles.

That was a good battle for the ruleset I got and I hope you enjoyed reading this battle details.

Have a good day :)

Splinterlands is a card based Blockchain game and rewards it's users in the form of Crypto Currency viz. DEC for playing the games called as battles.

It's all fun while earning some Crypto.

Not yet tried Splinterlands? You can join using this link and have some fun.


good line up you selected
@tipu curate

Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

Rusty rusty, ready to fight and reading to burn hahaha.