Splinterlands Share Your Battle Challenge with monster - Sand Worm

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone,


Life keeps teaching new things every day we spend and we are now accustomed to live with viruses flying all around us including the famous Corona CoVid 19 virus too!!!

Some people say Third wave is about to hit in a month's time and some other people say there might be seven waves in total for Corona!!!!

Oh My God!!! It's impossible to imagine itself about thse 7 waves and not sure how many of us will survive if that's a reality.

OK, let's cut the topic and get back to business, here I am with a Hive blog for the Weekly Challenge of SHARE YOUR BATTLE by Splinterlands and the monster featured this week is one of my favorites as I love Life Splinter and Sand Worm is a regular in my lineups along with Silvershield Assassin.

Let's go ahead and see a little bit about Sand Worm.



Sand Worm is a melee attack monster from neutral monsters and this monster is a sneak attack one with it always trying to attack the last monster on the lineup on opponent's side and this monster is being used by me regularly since this is my favorite for the sneak attack I mentioned above.

It has good attack, and at level 5, it even has a speed of 3 which isn't bad and it comes with 6 life and it has 3 nice abilities viz. sneak, snare and pierce.

Sneak as we know, will make it to attack the last monster on other side of the battle and this is available from level 1.

Snare is particularly useful with Earthquake battles as this ability removes the flying ability from a flying monster and that means, the monster can't escape the earthquake.

Snare is available from level 6 onwards and requires exactly 100 cards to be combined!!

Last ability this monster can have is the Pierce and this isn't available until we upgrade the card to the maximum level of 10 and that needs 400 cards to be combined and I am sure not many will get that many cards during the number of cards available and one has to buy the cards from market to upgrade to this level.



When we have large mana cap, we feel confident of winning the battle by using good monsters and the same thing happened with me with this battle as the mana cap was 42 and although healing was taken out thru healed out rule set, the other rule set of enrage made it an even one.

Looking into the mana cap and the rule sets provided, I decided to go into the battle with below lineup:



Magnor is a monster with that taunt ability to attract all the attack towards it and I used this as front monster since there was enough mana to accommodate this as one of the 6 monsters.

It gives a good 4 melee attack and has enough health of 13 to sustain the battle for atleast 2 rounds.

Fineas Rage:


The Second position monster I used is the Fineas Rage which is a reach ability monster to attack from Second position inspite of it being a melee attack monster and hence I used it here.

It gives 3 melee attack and has health of 9 and I used it also keeping in mind about the possibility of it being a front monster once Magnor is removed.

Sand Worm:


Sand Worm, the monster of this week is a good choice as Third position since it can survive the sneak attack any after Magnor's removal and can keep attacking the last monster in each round.

I used this for it's 6 melee attack and it can remove a monster in each round because of it's huge attack.

Spirit Miner:


Spirit Miner being a magic attack monster, can help to reduce main health from the monster with armors on.

I used this in Fourth position because I wanted to utilize it's magic attack and also it's abilities of swift to increase the speed of all the monsters used and dodge for it to have a chance of evading the attack from melee and ranged attack monsters.

Serpentine Spy:


Serpentine Spy monster is with that extraordinary opportunity ability to attack the monster with lowest health in each round and it's speed of 4 makes it to attack early.

Spark Pixies:


Last but not the least, I used Spark Pixies as it is a ranged attack monster with 2 attack and it's one of the fastest to attack because of it's 5 speed.

That completes my lineup.

Opponent seems like he wanted to take advantage of good attack from Nectar Queen as he used Earth splinter and his other monsters included Sand Worm, Centauri Mage, Mushroom Seer, Spirit Shaman and Javelin Thrower to compete his lineup.


The monsters I used were better than the those used by opponent because of +1 melee attack from the summoner Malric Inferno and with that, let's see how the battle go with below screenshots captured from the battle:











Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

I think so, the lineup I used as I said, was having better monsters because of +1 melee attack and the speed of the monsters was also good to attack early and with that advantage, I felt the lineup I used was good.

Do you like the SAND WORM? Why or why not?

I do like it a lot and as I mentioned above, it's the one I regularly use for getting rid of back end monsters and this is a good one for me always to do that job.

I hope you like this battle and the lineup I used, I have a level 4 summoner and that will restrict some of the abilities and also the attack for the monsters I use, but that is how it is.

Thanks for reading this and supporting me, have a good day :)

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Besides taking out that first back row monster, did the Worm even have a chance to do anything else?!?

Still, a win is a win!

@tipu curate

It did get a second chance to attack in Second round, but Spirit Shaman's divine shield prevented it from removing it and it didn't get a chance to hit in Third round.

Battle got over so early for a 42 mana battle, but yes, as you said, a win is a win and there was some contribution from Worm :)

Always appreciate the tipu upvotes.

Ah of course divine shield!

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Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

Well done.
You had a nice lineup there, it seemed.
Keep on battling.