Withdraw STEEM to the exchange does not work!

in Splinterlands5 years ago
I waited a long time and tried to withdraw my liquid STEEM. But nothing happened. I am getting ready for bed, as tomorrow is very early to get up. Anticipating a falling fall, I decided to keep the capital at 1 STEEM = 0.20354 Thanks to my beloved @splinterlands. Now, if I want to withdraw, I definitely have to trade, but for now I am waiting for the opening of deposits on exchanges.Я долго ждал и пробовал вывести свои жидкие STEEM. Но так ничего и не получилось. Я готовлюсь ко сну, так как завтра очень рано вставать. Предчувствуя навигающееся падения я решил сохранить капитал на отметке в 1 STEEM = 0,20354 Благодаря моим любимым @splinterlands. Теперь если захочу вывести точно придется торговать, но пока жду открытия депозитов на биржах.


Appreciate life. Good luck to you.

Цінуйте життя. Удачі Вам і добра.


Did you get it to work yet?

Yes, you have to work hard.

You selling all your steem? lol

I'll leave 100 to spare for the Splinterlands

Awe that's so sad :(

Yes, the transfers on the exchange Bittrex are also stopped at the moment because of the Hive fork!

Sooner or later the restrictions will disappear. Then I'll stock up on HIVE.