Hello Friends,

Olympics is round the corner with all the talks of the Corona and internal issues in Olympic governing body from Japan, but it's almost certain that the Olympics will start as per schedule putting aside all the doubts over the start due to Corona.
The Splinterlands journey so for far me is exciting and with the recent hike in cards prices, I am unable to purchase any new cards, but the existing cards are getting jump in their prices.
We got a Water splinter monster for this week's weekly challenge and it's Electric Eels and frankly speaking, I used it for the First time today for this challenge.

Electric Eels is a melee attack monster with Reach ability and hence, can be used in the second position inspite of it being a melee attack monster.
It is a Rare monster from the earlier edition of Promo cards and I am sure not one of the most used as I haven't see it much in most of the battles.

The stats say, this is a monster good when leveled up to level 5 to have blast ability to make good use of it as it will have 2 melee attack by that level and if it can be upgraded to level 7 requiring 61 cards, it can have 3 melee attack and with blast, it goes up to 5 with 3+2 attack.
The speed has been the plus as it starts with speed of 3 and can go up to 6 in the final level of 8 levels.
Health is on good side too with starting at 5 and can only increase by 2 more throughout it's 8 levels.
Battle and Lineup:

As I said, this not one of my favorite monsters because, all I have is a level 1 monster which can give a single melee attack without blast ability.
I have to lose few battles trying to get a win with it, but I was able to win this battle I am sharing although the Electric Eels got removed in between.
Here is the lineup I used in this 46 mana battle with Little League* ruleset making the 46 mana cap as a 24 mana battle.
1. Battle Orca:

Since I am in silver league, most of my monsters will have truncated attacks and finding 6 best monsters for the Little League battle was a daunting task with the limited monsters I have.
I selected this as front monster because, this is a monster with 6 health and has 3 speed and more importantly, can give 2 melee attack.
2. Electric Eels:

I have to use this for the sake of this challenge, but yeah, it was did attack once in 2 rounds and was helpful for a brief period.
3. Feasting Seaweed:

This and the next monsters were with opportunity ability to attack the monster with lowest health and I think these 2 were instrumental in winning this battle.
4. Parasitic Growth:

As I said, this and the before one, Feasting Seaweed were good to help with a win in this battle.
Feasting Seaweed with 3 attack and this one with 2 attack, could keep attacking the lowest health monsters to help me escape from defeat and have a win.
5. Crustacean King:

A good healer but can't help much with the low mana monsters which all were with lower health and by the time, it got to heal, the monster at the front would have got removed
6. Naga Windmaster:

Lastly, I used this monster with headwinds ability to check for the ranged attack from the other side as it reduces the ranged attack by 1 from opponent's monsters with the headwinds ability.
This battle wasn't an easy one because of the limited and truncated monster abilities due to silver level I am in and here I am sharing few screenshots of the battle as and when a monster got removed from either side.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?
Well, for most part of the battle, I was thinking I am going to loose it, but fortunately, the 2 opportunity monsters and the Crustacean King kept me in the battle and in final rounds, it was Crustacean King whose healing ability came to the work to give me a win.
If we see, Electric Eels was the weak link with just 1 melee attack and opponent's usage of a monster with affliction ability also didn't help me much, but, I was able to get a win in the end.
Do you like the ELECTRIC EELS? Why or why not?
Definitely not, I am not a big lover of this monster atleast for the one I have with level 1 with just 1 attack.
I would have won the battle with more ease had I used another monster with a magic attack or any other monster with 2 melee attack.
That was the battle I wanted to discuss with you, not a great battle, but the win was important for the weekly challenge and hence, it's OK.
Thanks for the support from all of you and I always appreciate it whenever I write a blog.
Thanks and wishing you all a good day.
Thanks for sharing! - @cieliss

Well done.