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RE: Nidhoggr Adjustment Proposal: Addressing Airdrop Balance and Improving Tactics

in Splinterlands2 months ago

I don't always vote on proposals, but I think this one is important for one big reason. I'd like to preface what I'm about to say by pointing out that I don't think it should have gotten to this point, honestly I don't think the card should have been released in the state it was and most importantly I don't think the DAO needs to be the one fixing these problems, but here we are.

My main concern with this card in particular isn't that it's just the weakest Rebellion legendary summoner, it's also the most expensive presale summoner design reward. If this card doesn't get fixed, we're looking at a potential situation in a few months where the incentive to push for the top spot in the CA presale is going to be brought into question.

I don't personally have the time to play at every league and I abstain from tournaments as a general rule of thumb because I feel it's a conflict of interest with me being the guy making the tournaments to also be placing in them and taking rewards. So how do we do our best to attempt to avoid this problem repeating?

My personal thoughts are that we need a council of people that play at all leagues to review and test the cards before release. It's critical that this isn't just whales with max decks or people using scholars controlling the card design. We need the people with the most experience playing at all levels with the time to put the cards through the paces and figure out what works and what doesn't at each level.

I've already had a convo with a team member about testing CA before release and I've been told that there should be at least 2 weeks of testing before launch. Personally I think we may need a bit more time than that, but it would be absolutely critical to make the most of whatever time we do get.

We could make a proposal to allocate a set number of packs (maybe 1,000 packs?) to basically hire 5 of the best scholars in the game that play at all levels and have them spend that 2 weeks doing some hardcore testing and giving balance feedback to the team. Obviously there would need to be some sort of guidelines and oversight to make sure that the testing is actually being done and the DAO would have to approve all of this, but that's my two cents on the situation.


For now, I'll vote to support this mainly because I feel like YGG got absolutely hosed with a junk card for spending the most in the presale and I don't want that to set the precedent going forward and hurt future sales.


I suggested the team use community members for "Beta Playtesting" for awhile.

@ducecrypto has too and I am sure many others have

Like you wouldn't even need to pay a lot of us - just give us a badge or achievement in game or something lol

  1. Setup another play mode/server that is invite only/password/whitelisted etc
  2. Select players to play both Modern/Wild format (with/without bots)
  3. No energy restrictions for enhanced testing
  4. Have players make observations/statements
  5. Have AI analyze battle data
  6. Evolve as needed before release

You'll get 1000's of battles worth of data this way as well as feedback on how certain cards perform and if they're OP, playable or junk

 2 months ago  

Great comment. Completely agree. I, too, have been strongly advocating to the best of my abilities for a dedicated card design focus group. Excited to see this finally getting some real traction - look forward to seeing what it looks like as we edge closer to CA. Thanks Clay!