It's time for the End of Season Rewards, and we're excited to pull some stuff for the ClaNFT bank... What will we get this season? Who knows! That's part of the fun.
We finished this season with a Rating of 1032 and our League was Silver 3 entitling us to 12 Chests. First, let's look at the Month's Chests in Review from Daily Quests with the help of SplinterShares!:
Last Season's Daily Chests:
So far, our first season netted us a value of $2.30, largely in part to the Harklaw we pulled almost immediately in our dailies, this, plus the 122 DEC made for a huge bonus to this baby account! Harklaw is currently being rented out, but will be added to our EoS Emergency Delegations and Brawl Delegations on an as needed basis, for now, he adds some airdrop and some rental income to our account.
EoS Rewards:
End of Season Rewards were pretty poor, we got about under half cards, and our best pulls were an Exploding Rats and 98 DEC. In total, we gained about 157 Airdrop Points to our account.
EoS Brawl Report:
Our Brawls went pretty well this season, as you can see from Brawls 1-4 here:
Brawl Report #1: A Royal Stomping
Brawl Report #2: May the 4th (Place) be with you
We placed 4th 2 Times, placed 2nd once, and 6th Place once. When we average these out, this season we averaged Fourth Place in battles.
We increased our rating from #450 all the way to #300 with these most recent brawls. We'll be back in Top 200 in no time!
We earned a total of 1754 Merits and 38 Crowns in this season. This averages to just under 450 Merits a brawl and 10 Crowns.
Our EoS Brawl MVPLava Launcher for performing so well. He also won't need to pay his monthly contribution on top of that! Surprise, the rewards get better the higher performance you have. He completed these brawls with the following scores: 22W 7L 1D, 67 Points Earned putting him at a 73% Win Rate overall. is @hentaimama, who performed the best overall out of any of our guild mates. He's going to be sent a
Hentai Mama has very little competition going into the Brawl MVP of the Month, and unless somebody really steps up in time, he's going to take it all this season!
We're still recruiting! ClaNFT wants YOU:
We gotta give something away for the community, don't we? Hmmm... what could it be... maybe it will be themed around what we pulled in chests, check it out:

The winner of this giveaway will win 1x Venari Heatsmith, You can enter simply by commenting "What's the coolest thing you won this Season in your Daily Chests?".
You do NOT need to Tip, Follow, or Upvote, but ALL of these are appreciated and help us continue to do these giveaways for you guys!
The Giveaway winner will be chosen when this post pays out.
Guild Notification List
@torran @movebitch @vjekich @allani545 @jakkal @oliviander @cyouonthemoon @mrmare @kyuki @hentaimama @perrodelmal @lucamafort @mediocreguy13
Guild Giveaway Notification List
@vaynard86 @xheadhunterz @henruc @relf87 @sudenginsiu @teooo @irisworld @candnpg @dlmmqb @edskymiguel @luizeba @ninosplinter @jdike @ecto1337 @amaillo @gluthor @marleyroots @postapocgamer @indignantgerald @jonimarqu @luckbound @diochen @litrydow @amaillo-m @henruc
Thanks for checking out our post on our EoS Rewards, did you win something cool in the EoS Chests? Let us know in the comments below!
Wanna join the battle between Chaos Legion and Splinterlands? Check those links above and join today!
What's the coolest thing you won this Season in your Daily Chests?
@torran and @waynechuasy both won Heatsmiths!
!gif congratulations
Via Tenor
Thank you very much. :D
count me in
I won venari Bonesmith. Count me in
Hello, mate! Please, count me in for the giveaway!! I won nothing fancy, just some common cards and a bit of DEC, unfortunately :(
IGN: @luizeba
Via Tenor
Count me in!
I got a chaos pack with mine! Got a two dollar summoner so I was super happy
I am in!
I made it to D2 league, but didn't get anything cool :))
Don't think there's anything cool that i won in particular. Best thing would be a chaos legion pack? 😜Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz
an Epic card, Djinn Chwala :) @jdike is in
Sadly, no cool cards this season. :(
Sadly, no cool cards this season. :(
I got the GF Twilight Basilisk last season.
What's the coolest thing you won this Season in your Daily Chests?
Pelacor bandit :u
For me it's Uraeus. Thanks! @relf87
My rewards were so bad that a 57-DEC was the best.
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

Gf pelacor mercenary
IGN: @cogie88
im win Djinn Chwala diary quest
IGN : @wlffreitas