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RE: Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - May 15th, 2023!

in Splinterlandslast year

The SPS staking amounts are ridiculous. I started in SL 14 months ago and I've put in about $17K into the game. I bought a max level CL deck for $4K 2 licenses which is the main reason I even earn here. A lot of my SPS was bought at a lot higher cost then the 2 cents it is now.

I run my account in champ which for the most part my earning just pay for my rentals to keep playing in champ. I have almost 19K SPS staked so that means I'd only earn 10% of the rewards I am earning now, so now I have to figure out how to come up with $9K more over two time my card value just to keep earning what I am earning.

Now I'll have a max level deck playing gold which is stupid and a complete waste of cards. It's time to start thinking about selling everything or just renting it out and earning passively in the ecosystem the game is no where near able to stand on the game itself without the earn and too many are leaning to leaving or just investing. Pretty soon there will be no one left playing the game.