Sometimes timing is everything.

in Splinterlands3 years ago

I hope I do not sound like a nag but I am having trouble understanding the logic behind the daily maintenance timing. Noon Eastern Standard Time is the moment the Airdrops come in. I must ask why is it that splinterlands insists on doing maintenance every single day just minutes after you distribute Airdrops? You do realize that this is like shutting down a major highway during rush hour traffic right? I really like splinterlands but I have never found anything that makes me scream at my screens so much lately. Please guys schedule this kind of thing during low traffic hours. Thank You for tolerating me as I am tolerating down time...

Screenshot 20211018 at 125749 Splinterlands  Collect, Trade, Battle .png


There was no timed maintenance there, just more scaling issues.

From the Discord server's #tech-support-updates: