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RE: Chaos Legion Release & Second Pack Sale

in Splinterlands3 years ago

I got zero headaches from this one. I used one voucher I think, maybe it was two... I have every RF chaos legion card except for blight (most only level 2) and 59 different chaos legion gold foils that I bought 2 of each and combined. I did not use the voucher system. Instead I spent under $2500 on the market. I bought 100 packs and whatever I was missing from the packs I just filled in the blanks buying cards on monstermarket. I do not have a ton of duplicates that I do not need this way. If you want the set and do not like the voucher system then just buy it on the market and dont think about the airdrops. If you want a blight then buy one, problem resolved right? I might have paid a small premium but I was driving the decisions of the cards I got also. Might not have been the most efficient or smartest way to do it but its how i chose to do it. I did get a gold foil legendary on the 27th pack and chose to keep opening the rest of the packs as well. My only regret is opening more packs after the gold foil legendary dropped. I am happy with my chaos legion cards and didnt need 2000 lotions either.