I have been wondering if they will ever bring potions to market in general. Particularly the quest potions. Fluctuations in DEC value can make buying quest potions a headache to time right. I wish they would add them to the market but I doubt they ever will for one reasons. If they were on the market then only people unaware of the Hive-Engine Market would be buying individual potions from in game, the 100+15 Promo would sell constantly. Please allow me to explain my basis for this thought. With my current guild discount here are the numbers.
735 DEC = 1 Quest Potion
7350 DEC = 11 (668.1818 each)
73500 DEC = 115 (639.1304 each)
If they were tradable on the market I would buy the 115 and sell them individually at 700 DEC each. This would help people get them cheaper on an individual potion purchase and I would profit 7000 DEC per every 115 sold. I think there are more discounts in higher guilds too so this would be even more feasible for someone in a top guild to do. However they are not on the market and this is probably why. I am curious to hear anything that anyone would be willing to ad to this topic. Once I have MAV status I will be touching base about this in the channel and any good points I need to hear would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You for taking an interest in my post.
Quest potions are really helpful to get additional rewards chests, however since after taking out credits to buy them it's really expensive to buy them using DEC unless DEC price goes down again, but overall your idea seems good.
As the general idea, it could be interesting
However, as for the current rewards value, it's not profitable to get quest potions unless you get yourself an Apic/legendary card