- EARTHQUAKE : Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.
- Flying and healing will be good.
- Brighton Bloom as summoner can be best.
- Shield and armor will also be decent.
- Sometimes you may wanna have ENSARE too.
- LITTLE LEAGUE : Only Monsters & Summoners that cost 4 Mana or less may be used in battles.
- More than 2 dmg is good.
- Armor will be good too.
- Magic could be decent.
⏳ Initial thoughts
- Mana & Ruleset analysis:
- Can slot in all 4 mana monsters.
- Flying skill will provide an advantage
- Little league means most monster might have low health and without flying will die faster.
- Battle plan:
- Giving all flying
- Give 1st and 2nd tank armor
- Try to provide a mixture of dmg
Must have summoner for EARTHQUAKE ruleset.
No.1 choice!
1️⃣st Position
3 MANA for 3 ARMOR and 4 HP, he is the most ideal tank for little league.
2️⃣nd Position
2nd tank with 1 ARMOR and decent HP.
Use TWILIGHT BASILISK to help provide firepower to the frontline.
3️⃣rd Position
Slow opponent down, so i will be able to attack first.
Staking slow to also allow my monsters to able to get a hit.
4️⃣th Position
Provide magic dmg to ignore ARMOR.
Stacking slow to allow my monsters to able to able to get a hit.
5️⃣rd Position
Able to support the tank with heal.
Increase the tank survival.
6️⃣rd Position
Provide 2 dmg with good HP to tank for SNEAK monster.

Link to battle
💪 Honorable mentions
1st round
- CREEPING OZEE & TIME MAGE slow have help PEACEBRINGER to survive the fatal hit.
📌 Final thoughts
Although opponent line up has the lvl advantage, but with ruleset in my favor i manage to win this match.
That's what i like about this game, lvl is not everything. Understanding the ruleset will allow player like me with under lvl card have a chance to put out a fight.
TIPS: You can replay your game using SPLINTERTOOLS, and they also provide add-on extension to increase ur win rate at 1HIVE per month.
Let me talk about an important dragon card and why as a beginner you should either rent or buy it even though you can afford one.
BRIGHTON BLOOM is the only summoner that will provide FLYING to all your monsters. Not only suitable for EARTHQUAKE ruleset, there are situation where u can also use her, to increase the dodge rate. Also FLYING provide 25% evasion if opponent monster does not have flying.
I've wrote an article on this before, feel free to read it :) https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@chinzilla/dragon-summoners-and-why


Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice