Weekly Battle challenge - Coral Wraith - Splinterlands

in Splinterlands3 years ago


Hi splinterfriends, welcome to my post. This week the challenge is focused on the:

Coral Wraith

Also known as Warlocks of the Ocean, Coral Wraiths are the dark and frightening sorcerers of the deep. Stories say that they were once air breathers who grew tired of life on land. Through a magical alliance with the Mer Dark, they gave up their lives above the water forever.

This is an epic card from the Untamed edition in the first level, it has 2 points of magic, hearts and speed with the Sneak ability that allow a monster to target the opponent's monster in the last position instead of the first. At the Four level obtain the Rust ability, a debuff that reduces the armor of all enemies.
I myself still haven't used that ability yet in any battle.

I don't own this card but the magic of the NFTs allow me to rent it in Peakmonsters for the incredible price of 0.001$ the day. Awesome!!


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The Line-Up

Rules: Keep Your Distance, monsters with melee atack are forbidden.
Mana Cap: 20
Battle link: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=29db5dabdc8352b0a59655c4d955e438d1fc67f7&ref=cerlant

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Summoner: Alric Stormbringer

The oldest ΛZMΛRÉan Summoner, Alric Stormbringer, founded the modern arts of Chaos Magic. He has many pupils from around the Splinterlands. Alric’s gift is not so much bringing the storm, but channeling it. He has lived for hundreds of years, and some stories claim he was alive before the Splintering.

Edition: Beta
Rarity: Rare
Buff: 1+ Magic
Current price(BXC): 9.5$(lvl1)/3.33$(lvl8)
Min. renting fee: 0.001$

Alric is my option when I want to play with magic, after all, 1 additional point to an attack that can ignore armor is something that not anyone can ignore. Other options that I could have used to play with the water splinter are Bortus (-1 Magic), useful for countering opponents focused on magic, but my main strategy for this battle was to overwhelm my opponent with magic and not an endurance battle so I chose Alric.

First Position: Kelp Initiate

Level: 1
Edition: Reward
Rarity: Rare
Ability: None
Mana: 2
Speed: 5
Hearts: 5
Current price(BXC): 0.113$ (lvl1)
Min. renting price: 0.001$ (lvl1) / 0.006$ (lvl6)

I receive this card some days ago being this one of the few opportunities to use it well. The plan is to act as shields of the attack force giving time to slash to death some of the opponent's monsters, before the Spirit miner reaches the first position.

Second Position: Furious Chicken

Level: 1
Edition: Reward
Rarity: Rare
Ability: None
Mana: 0
Speed: 1
Hearts: 1
Current price(BCX): 1.554$ (lvl1) / 0.909$ (lvl4)
Min. renting price: 0.001$ (lvl3)

This chick doesn't need presentation, it will act as a the perfect shield for the others. I place it in the second position instead of the last because I had another card, that have a good amount of hearts and also can attack from that position and as I believed that this will be a fast battle, I prefer to give this shield to the front line that is lacking of a melee.

Third Position: Spirit Miner

Level: 1
Edition: Reward
Rarity: Legendary
Ability: Dodge
Mana: 6
Speed: 3
Hearts: 6
Magic: 2
Current price: 12$ (lvl1) / 8.33$ (lvl2)
Min. renting price: 0.001$ (lvl1) / 0.014$ (lvl3)

I managed to rent this card in the previous season and since then I use it in almost all battles, having 2 magic points and 6 hearts can allow this card to attack enemies for a longer than the other magic monsters I have (like the pixies), and also act as a front-line monster protecting others, the latter is my reason for putting it here in third position with the kelp and chicken acting as a shield, this card can attack without worry.

Fourth Position: Coral Wraith

Level: 1
Edition: Untamed
Rarity: Epic
Ability: Sneak
Mana: 4
Speed: 2
Hearts: 2
Magic: 2
Current price: 0.740$ (lvl1)
Min. renting price: 0.001$ (lvl1)

I chose the fourth position to place this card because this is an epic crystal cannon, it can do a good amount of damage, but it is easy to lose it due to its low health, with the Spirit Miner and my last monster is my hope that this card lasts a few rounds before disappearing.

Last Position: Sniping Narwhal

Level: 1
Edition: Untamed
Rarity: Common
Ability: Sniper
Mana: 5
Speed: 2
Hearts: 4
Range: 2
Current price: 0.037$ (lvl1) / 0.029$ (lvl3)
Min. renting price: 0.001$ (lvl4)/ 0.01$ (lvl)

This sniper is my choice for the back-line, it can make 2 points of range attack and also has 4 hearts. My plan was to use it to protect the coral from sneaks and also give an objective to snipers. Other alternatives to this monster would have been the glass magic cannons (the ice pixie and the enchanted pixie) but I prefer to play safe. Another option that I have would have been the Giant Squid that offer a shield in exchange for the snipe ability and 1 point of speed, but a prefer the snipe.

The Battle:


My opponent has the chicken in the first position, the Prismatic Energy in the second, the Ruler Of The Seas in the third and the Pirate Archer in the last. The Prismatic Energy has the Magic Reflex ability so it's a good counter for my magic focused team, in case I had brought the Pixies instead of the Narwhal or Spirit Miner this could have ended very differently. for me. His/her other two monsters have the Blast ability, so my chicken will end up saving the Spirit Miner a heart.

Round 1:

The first monster to attack was the opponent Ruler of the Seas which dealt 2 damage to my Kelp Initiate and also killed my chicken with the Blast ability. The second monster that moves is my Spirit Miner who kills the opposing chicken. The third move is claimed by the opponent Prismatic Energy dealing 1 point of damage to my kelp (2 hearts left). The fourth move is for my Coral Wraith in the process killing the opponent Pirate Archer before it can attack. And the last monster to move is my Sniping Narwhal which reduces the opponent's Ruler Of The Seas health to 3 hearts.


Round 2:

The second round begins with my Spirit Miner attacking the enemy Prismatic Energy dealing 3 points of damage but also taking 2 points due to the opponent's Magic Reflection. The second move is for Ruler of the Seas ending my Kelp Initiate and dealing 1 point of damage to my Spirit Miner due to the Blast ability. The third move goes to Prismatic Energy, reducing my Spirit Miner's health to 2 hearts. The fourth move is for my Coral Wraith killing the opponent Ruler of the Seas. On the last move my Sniper reduced 2 hearts to the opponent's last monster.


Round 3:

The final round begins with my Spirit Miner reducing my opponent's hearts to 1 but also dying from Magic Reflect effects. The opponent makes the second move to kill my Spirit Miner. The third and last movement of the battle is made by the Coral Wraith reducing the opponent's hearts to zero but does not die without first reflecting the attack back to the coral, reduced but enough to finish it. As Narwhal Sniper is the last monster standing, the victory is MINE.




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Conclusions About This Battle

In the end everything ended well for me. My Kelp Initiate did a good job of keeping the front line and the chicken saved a heart for the Spirit Miner even if it didn't end up mattering in the end. If I had used the pixies in this battle, they would have died in the first round from the Magic Reflet effect. The Spirit Miner did a good job surviving and did quite a bit of damage. Coral Wraith also kills two monsters with Blast, so for me this card is the MVP of the battle.
Finally I think it is prudent to diversify the types of attacks to avoid missing the effects of Magic Reflect and similar abilities like Shield and Return Fire. These abilities can change the battle normally and even more if the opponent has monsters with an attack higher than health, in the case of Magic Reflect and Return Fire.

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About Coral Wraith

In the days that I have rented this card, it has proven to be a cheaper alternative (in terms of money and attack) than the Spirit Miner speaking, at least for the water splinter, and I'm thinking of buying one to keep myself. When playing, I like to use this card on magic-focused teams like this with a low mana tank or the Chain Golem to deal a good amount of damage, basically glass cannon teams. In positions, I put it in the third or fourth, in case of other types of teams, it is my preference to surround it with monsters with more health.

About Me ☻


Even if I have had a Splinterlands account from 2018, I am a relatively new player who just acquired the Summoner Spellbook. This is just my third season. My highest league is Silver I which I reached last season.

Thanks for reading, until next time!

If you are not still playing Splinterlands, a good start is using my referral link below:


Nice - it's almost as if he's designed to take out that archer!

@tipu curate

Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

Well done with both... the post and the battle.
I liked the detailed part.
Keep on battling.

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