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RE: Nidhoggr Adjustment Proposal: Addressing Airdrop Balance and Improving Tactics

I suggested the team use community members for "Beta Playtesting" for awhile.

@ducecrypto has too and I am sure many others have

Like you wouldn't even need to pay a lot of us - just give us a badge or achievement in game or something lol

  1. Setup another play mode/server that is invite only/password/whitelisted etc
  2. Select players to play both Modern/Wild format (with/without bots)
  3. No energy restrictions for enhanced testing
  4. Have players make observations/statements
  5. Have AI analyze battle data
  6. Evolve as needed before release

You'll get 1000's of battles worth of data this way as well as feedback on how certain cards perform and if they're OP, playable or junk