I finally decided to splurge and pick up some monsters and a summoner
When starting my research, I always go to Splintercards to being.
It has a great layout that is user friendly with a visualy-pleasing output.
There are so many features on this site, but for now, i will stick to just the ability search.

I found myself leaning towards the Double Strike ability.
2 attacks per monster seems great!
I filtered the results on splintercards to only show doublestriking monsters.
These are the results:

So, what are we seeing?
Ignore the Gladius cards ince they can only be used in Guild Brawls. Also ignoring any card getting the Double strike ability above Silver League. This leaves us with the following:

Now, let's narrow this down a bit.
Removing Axemaster as I'm not a fan of Ranged attacks.
Removing Hobgoblin since having a melee attacker with 2 health is bad.
Removing Undead Minotaur because I am not a fan of the death splinter.
This leaves us with....

To take advantage of The Vigilator, we will need a Dragon Summoner to lead us in to battle. Since the strategy will be to attack multiple times, we will need someone who gives a boost to attacks. The only attacks on the remaining cards above is Ranged + Melee. This will narrow us down to:
Summoner | Abilities | Cost for Silver Max |
Archmage Arius | +1 Melee +1 Ranged +1 Magic | L2 @ $30000 |
Selenia Sky | +1 Ranged | L2 @ $1160 |
Daria Dragonscale | +1 Melee | L3 @ $150 |
Well... now that i've cleaned up the mess from spitting my drink everywhere from those prices... I can safely say with confidence that we can exclude Archmage Arius and Selenia Sky...
... Looks like Daria Dragonscale it is!

Now to construct the teams!
We have Earth Splinter and Life Splitner.
First up:
Card | Name | Notes |
Grund | Front tank; at level 3 has melee attack of 4 | |
Oaken Behemoth | Second spot; at level 2 has Melee of 3; Does not have double strike ability, but still attacks twice! | |
Middle spots | Good place for Melee attackers with Opportunity ability if Mana allows | |
The Vigilator | Bringing up the rear; at level 2 has 3 melee; Will only shoot ranged until it hits front spot then will hit melee | |
Back spot | I like to place my 0 mana cards back here, just incase there are any Sneak attackers |
Once combat begins, Grund will be able to attacking 2x of 5 melee each. Oaken Behemoth will attack once with 2 Magic then once with 4 melee. Vigilator will attack twice with 1 ranged (until in first spot or special rulesets that allows 2x melee attacks of 4 each)
This has been a deadly battle to watch! Very overpowering, but still has its weaknesses.
Now let's explore:
Card | Name | Notes |
Shieldbearer | THE tank of the life splinter. This will be key to have all our attackers do damage without being bothered. I know, not a double striker... but trust me, this one is key but can be replaced with Kralus | |
Kralus | 2 melee + 1 magic with self heal at level 2. This will make a good backup tank when shieldbearer goes down or to replace the shieldbearer if out of mana availability | |
Silvershield Assassin | Double striking melee with sneak. Will have 2 melee at level 4 | |
Pelacor Arbalest | 2 ranged dmg per attack. Very fragile with only 2 health (or 4 at level 4). Keep this one hidden safely in the middle of your lineup | |
The Vigilator | Still at the end; 3 melee | |
Back spot | 0 mana cards if you have any to soak up any sneak or opportunity damage |
With Daria leading the charge, Kralus will be hitting for 3 melee + 1 magic. The assassin will be sneaking in two hits of 3 each. The Pelacor will not be gaining any bonus from Daria, but will still be slapping fools for 2 ranged twice per turn. As mentioned in the Earth splinter rundown, the Vigilator will be stuck hitting for 1 ranged until it finds it's way to the front spot where it will kick out 4 melee twice per round.
NOTE: The Life splinter will do best with the rulesets of "Melee Mayhem", "Equal Opportunity", or "Super Sneak"
Proof of concept
Here are some battle replays I was able to pull off.
Game # | Link to Battle | Notes |
Game 1 | [CLICK TO WATCH] | I use Daria with Shieldbearer + Vigilator + Assassin + Arbalest. After my taunt gets taken out, The Vigilator is unleashed |
Game 2 | [CLICK TO WATCH] | Daria leads Grund in to battle; lots of misses but still pulled off a win |
Game 3 | [CLICK TO WATCH] | Daria again leads Grund, btu is joined by Hobgoblin and the vigilator. This battle convinced me that Hobgoblin was worthless... doesnt even get 1 attack in before falling. With the poison ruleset and battling against a Earth Magic team, the odds were against me.. my double strikers went down leaving my opportunity/sneak monsters to pick up the slack |
Game 4 | [CLICK TO WATCH] | I switched it up to show another devastating combo... Llama + Grund! I tossed the 1 drop Morphoid in first to get a quick hit+thorn damage before Grund was unleashed with Last Stand . The ruleset had divine shield, but with double strikes, Grund can still take down the shield and score a hit each round. |
These teams are still weak to full Magic lineups or large shield/shield regen combos. But watching them attack twice each is like having double the number of monsters than your opponent!
Having Daria provide that +1 melee is like having +2 with a double strike.
But we can't look past the insanity Last Stand does to a double striker (Even at a Level 1 Llama)
What do you think?
Did I miss something? miscalculate?
Is there a different combo I should try next?
Let me know

Thanks to @tehox at #splintercards for making their site free!
I do not own any of these images, they belong to #splinterlands
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