$212+ Passive Income Review | Splinter Stats Season 7 Report Card

in Splinterlands2 years ago


Season 7... Brawls were fun! (silver league GF), tournaments were great, but ranked battles lacked something for me. Seeing the same lineups over and over, forcing me to only play the same few cards again and again...
Seriously thinking of selling the cards I am no longer able to use since they are not competitive...


Curious about my card collection?
Check it out: https://peakmonsters.com/@burnsurface/cards

Thanks for reading!



RewardTournamentsRanked RewardsRentalsStaking
Dark Energy Crystals (DEC)12,52527,301-
SplinterShards (SPS)1,085296-601

Season Highlights:

  1. Played in 8 tournaments
  2. 283 ranked battles won out of 542 total battles fought
  3. Earned 96 daily chests + 40 season chests
  4. Opened 2 Chaos Legion pack from chests
  5. Opened 1 Legendary card from chests
  6. Opened 2 GF cards (1 common + 1 rare)
  7. 70,000 SPS Staked (began unstaking for season 8)


conversion rates used (as of Sept 6):

tokenUSD price





USD Earning History per season

Season 69March 21$417
Season 70April 5$463
Season 71April 20$497
Season 72May 5$275
Season 73May 20$485
Season 74June 4$279
Season 75June 19$185
Season 76June 30$213
Season 4July 30$343
Season 5August 14$145
Season 6August 31$128
Season 7September 13$212




nice start of a recovery in account balance.
I hit a few good wins in my tournament prizes in SPS which helped this seasons profits!


In this section, I will compare VOLUME instead of USD equivalent


Season Comparisons

SeasonDECSPSCreditsVouchersSeason Focus
6912,6113,0468,93060Airdrop & Ranked battles
707,9063,27413,14060Airdrop & Ranked battles & Tournaments
7115,7042,8505,22053Airdrop & Tournaments
728,2953,34072047Airdrop & Tournaments
7312,0244,008-51Airdrop & Ranked battles & Tournaments
749,9972,56512,86055Airdrop & Ranked battles
7516,5252,33413,62053Airdrop & Ranked battles
7624,5333,29117,04045Airdrop & Ranked battles & Tournaments
495,5543,3685,28042Airdrop & Renting
533,7331,53710,57062Ranked battles & Tournaments
682,9247044,30048Renting & some ranked battles
729,8271,98228,58048Ranked battles & Tournaments

The Plan for Season 8 = Already set up to rent for the entire season. I should pocket enough DEC to pick up some new RW cards.



Ranked rewards provided some good returns this time with the 2x GF + 1 Legendary + 2 packs. Seems credit value can be great if you get lucky on chests. A couple nice tournament returns locked in some SPS gains



Historical DEC / SPS / Voucher Prices

Seasonest. Price of SPS (usd)est. Price of DEC (usd)est. Price of Voucher (usd)
Season 69$0.100$0.0027$1.07
Season 70$0.120$0.0017$1.12
Season 71$0.130$0.0016$2.04
Season 72$0.100$0.0014$1.55
Season 73$0.090$0.0011$1.70
Season 74$0.086$0.0011$1.39
Season 75$0.050$0.0007$0.70
Season 76$0.049$0.00064$0.42
Season 4$0.078$0.00057$0.49
Season 5$0.057$0.00055$0.44
Season 6$0.057$0.00068$0.55
Season 7$0.072$0.00071$0.42



Why is everyone sleeping on these Vouchers?   Easily a $2 value.   Prove me wrong.


Let's Standardize!

Using the historical volumes combined with current USD conversion prices, we can see what each season would look like given the same conversion rates:


This is what I like to see!
a start of an up-trend. Although ranked battles and tournaments cashed me the bulk of my rewards, I plan to rent on season 8 to see how that impacts my ROI.

I know Rift Watchers was just released, which plays in to my strategy: build up DEC through rentals allowing the current market to fall in price after the initial launch, then pick up the RW cards I want.

What do you think?
Am I making the right moves?

Would you like me to focus on anything specific next time?
Or analyze something else?
Let me know!

I know this information is hyper-focus on my personal journey. It may not be relevant to most readers. Or could provide some answers to questions you may have over which path to take (rental vs ranked vs tournaments). I am happy to expand the content

Just a heads-up, this may be my final post on this format and content...

🔥🔥🔥 Thanks for reading!


I want to thank the SplinterStats team for creating the Splinterstats Season Report Card. It is what helps me easily consolidate my seasonal rewards.



PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(5/5) @aurikan tipped @burnsurface (x1)

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tienes mi voto y apoyo!!!😎

Credit: memess
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