Let's help each other. (NO MORE GREED)

For new players starting in this game they get the starter cards and 3k credits. Those 3k credits cannot buy a pack to open so they have to resort to renting which i believe is not as fun as getting a pack for the first time and seeing those five cards that are now yours to keep and having that feeling in your stomach of just pure joy. Pure joy like that of which we have felt when we were kids opening pokemon packs or whatever you enjoyed growing up. You see those five cards and you ONLY wanna use them because they have a special place with you now and they are what will start your journey climbing your way up the ranks! THAT MY FRIENDS, is what will keep people coming back! I have seen so many people start playing this awesome game and then they come to the discord to ask why they are not getting any focus points and it is because they only have those starter cards. So let's all make a pact, those of us that work however many hours a week and can only buy a pack or two once in a while, to help these new players as we see them come in and start the game. Let's give out some common cards to those players so they can have that feeling of joy like we did to actually OWN that card. That feeling is what will keep these players coming back and this game is just too awesome to fail. We cannot let these whales and other rich folk buy up all these cards to pump up their price and step on the little people. Do just one good deed today and help out another new player.