I agree!
I have a bunch of cool ideas for how to do this, but ultimately all would take at least a decent amount of dev effort. But what we do already have right now that is already coded in is the "open tournaments". The tournaments where everyone gets every card. Why aren't we utilizing these more?! There is so much potential here. Open those up so players can create them and provide our own prizes for them!
What I was thinking more is to have the cards in this game mode provided by players (easy 1-click staking pool) and part of the entry fee being paid out to them based on how often cards are used and how many of each are delegated. (this would make rarer powerful cards more valuable).
I don't think they should create a full game mode where everyone can play every card as it would be a hit in the face of everyone who invested in cards. I guess the entire KYC thing is what holds the open tournaments back.
There is indeed so much potential for the game and it's one of the frustrating parts of having ideas yourself not to see any of them implemented.