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RE: Nidhoggr Adjustment Proposal: Addressing Airdrop Balance and Improving Tactics

in Splinterlands3 months ago (edited)

Sorry, bro. I think you know how I feel. I've already said this is my second-most used summoner and is tied for my highest winrate. In internal testing, I voted for a higher mana cost (like, higher than it is now). I also think Force Reduction is a benefit rather than a hinderance (makes you use less cards, so you use higher mana ones, which typically have more power and better synergy with the Tactics (particularly Execute).

I would be all in on a proposal for removing Thorns from Tofu. That was a huge mistake and we never should have added it (proof that listening to the community over our findings in testing is a bad idea? 😜).

 3 months ago  

Yea, I know how ya feel. You and I seem to very often agree on cards / abilities / etc... but we gonna have to agree to disagree on the power of Nid 😅

I'm not sure a proposal to remove thorns from Tofu at this point would ever pass - however, I could see a case where snare get removed in that manner - but I'd honestly be ok with either one. Tofu is way too dominant. (I will say though - I reckon getting Nid a bump could go a long way to mitigating Tofu's reign of terror)

Hopefully that more rigorous testing & editing system we've been hoping for comes into play sooner than later for future card sets. Appreciate you hombre!