bravetofu cross-posted this post in Splinterlands 7 days ago

Welcome To The Family Elanor & Sanctus Vicar! | Splinterlands

in #sps7 days ago


I decided to pull the plug and bought the two promo cards, Elanor Bravefoot and Sanctus Vicar. Welcome to the family to both of these little legends :) Although I don't think these are over-powered cards, they are must-have for me because:
(1) I'm a collector
(2) I'm not nearly as good as the other guys on the leaderboard, so I'll take any advantage I can get!
(3) I want to support the Splinterlands team, and I have deep conviction that the future of the game and ecosystem is bright


If you're not yet following me on X, here's where to find me!

Let's have a look at the cards and how I plan to use them...

Elanor Bravefoot



My main use cases for Elanor are the following:

  • In low mana battles, with the help of dual-splinter summoners, I plan to bring Elanor in with two fiends at her side to give her +2 ranged damage.
  • I'll try her with Drath so she can get an additional +1 ranged. Along with two fiends, that can take her up to 5 ranged damage.
  • I'll use her as a meat-shield occasionally given her 0 mana cost. Especially given her "weary" debilitation, it doesn't make sense to try to sustain her for a long battle.
  • The Strengthen at level 4 is more important to me than the additional ranged damage, helping give more sustainability to the whole team.
  • She'll be useful in the back-to-basics ruleset, particularly in low mana situations, given the 2 ranged damage for 0 mana. In particular, she'll lose "weary" in back-to-basics, which is good too.

Sanctus Vicar


My main use cases for Sanctus Vicar are the following:

  • Cryptic is one of the strongest summoners in Modern format today, and Sanctus directly addresses Cryptic's expose/poison barrage. He'll be able to reduce the damage done by scattershot units poisoning and exposing back-line units.
  • As a ranged unit, he's also good against Djinn Oshannus. Unfortunately his speed isn't great, but paired with Cryptic himself and a few swiftness/slow units he should be able to pick things up.
  • He could be interesting with Drath, who'll give him another ranged damage. He can be given true strike as well, or be placed next to a taunted marksrat with no fear of blast damage due to his reflection shield.
  • While many have commented that his reflection shield at level 8 is underwhelming, I actually feel reflection shield is one of the more desirable abilities in the game today as there is a very strong meta that revolves around reflecting all damage dealt back to your enemy (ahem, Tofu...).
  • Acid Shooter is one of Tofu's best friends at the moment due to the scattershot/poison combo. Sanctus Vicar will effectively negate this attack.

To the arena my new legends!

Disclaimer: The art on this page was generated with the help of AI.