After having maxed out most Rebellion SB reward cards, I wanted to update my original RB SB reward card tier list to help some newer players, as well as those who haven't completed their collections, decide which reward cards they want to max out first.
Here's the new one, along with arrows show up-steps and down-steps (explanations below for cards that I've moved):
Arachne Weaver (S ==> S+)
I moved this one up to S+ tier. Although you might look at this and say it's not quite as dominant as Olivia, I would argue it is in many cases, and also provides utility in many different rulesets. The main draw here is obviously the Corrupted Healing, though its other skills (Scavenger and Poison) also provide a ton of utility. Looking at card usage stats, it's clear it's an S+ card.
Halfling Refugee (A ==> S)
Absolutely a S tier card due to the 1 mana, neutral splinter, and 5 (five!) damage. I use this card ALL the time.
Ujurak Elder (B ==> A)
This one I already had pretty high (at B) but moved it up to A. It's very versatile, provides a ton of team utility with Strengthen and Swiftness, and is more survivable than it initially looks thanks to the Divine Shield. At 3 mana and being neutral, it's therefore super versatile.
Shock Trooper (B ==> A)
Although it has a horrible debilitation, the 5 magic damage for 4 mana is insane. You can also consider using it as a tank to fire off one hit and die in an early round if you want to prevent the zapping. In back-to-basics it's one of the top cards in the game (along with Halfling Refugee).
Chaos Evoker (C ==> B)
I moved this one up because 2 magic damage with Ambush and Blast pairs extremely well with Lorkus, so I find myself using this one successfully a lot.
Nimbledook Explorer (S ==> B)
I originally had this one at an S-tier, but the availability of other no-attack cards in the Light splinter and prevalence of corrosive ward and Venka make it a rare choice for me. Maybe I just haven't yet quite found his spots.
Surly Drunk (A ==> B)
He's the best of the 1-mana legendaries, but not an A tier card IMO. Bumped to B.
Death Ranger (A ==> B)
This card's quite sturdy with the void armor and 7 armor, but it just doesn't come up often. Scavenger's a great ability but it's weird on this card. Hard to place it consistently.
Giant Alpine Skink (B ==> C)
With the number of great front-line tanks in Water, I don't find myself going for this guy often. However, it may be an option once Djinn Oshannus leaves Modern due to phase (as an alternate to Slade with the card that gives phase), so it may make a resurgence.
Drybone Megalodon (B ==> C)
Interesting to have this one in Fire, where there are two other flank cards with attacks. As a result I don't find myself going to the Megalodon often, as I think Flank is one of the primary draws.
Warborn Chieftain (-1 ==> C)
AKA the Chieftain who can't quite figure out what he wants to be when he grows up. Are you anti-melee? Are you anti-magic? What's phase doing on a 3-speed card anyways? Why stun when you're a tank?
Halaran Huntress (B ==> C)
Mini-Venka just doesn't really do it most of the time. Possibly because she's a melee card in Earth where Tofu dominates and doesn't provide much utility in that meta.
Sergeant Grauzral (B ==> C)
3 damage just isn't enough for this card to get regular usage. Nid likes Blast cards, and this one has opportunity so you could imagine him getting some air time there, but usually it just doesn't work out.
Blackmoor Wild Elf (C ==> D/F)
For 5 mana, this card's stats just don't deliver. There just isn't enough use for a cripple card that hides and gives amplify. Anywhere.
Skyspire Leopard (C ==> D/F)
Bad kitty. Real bad.
Quilliun Legionary (C ==> D/F)
This guy's in the same group as the Chieftain, i.e. it's not sure what it wants to be. Anti melee? Anti magic? Void makes no sense in this kit. 2 Ranged damage also doesn't do much, and even if it gets a Bloodlust or two, so what? would 4 ranged damage really make a difference? If the Void was a Piercing, maybe. But with this kit, there's just way better choices for 8 mana.
Card usage tools for reference on how much these (and other) cards get used:
Bounty Rebellion cards are good because they are free. hehehe I really like Halfling Refugee which is Neutral and can be used with only 1 Mana.
olivia is the best card of that set for me. i wanted to ask you how did you make that tier list? did you use any program or did you cut card by card?
I cut out every card and used PowerPoint!!! 😅
Well by "cut out" I mean I just copied and pasted the artwork by going to each card's lore page. Took a while, haha...
would not be easier to use this? 🤔
The epics are really epics. And the legendaries are kinda meh in my opinion. Trying to get one more of Olivia to unlock the mimic and the weaver is insane support card..
Yep, absolutely.
Superb post as always. What worries me more is how many Legends are down in Tier. Won't spend Glint on legend packs.
Absolutely agree on Arachne. The control he offers on the battlefield has no similarities with any other creature in the game. Like Olivia. Have a nice day! $Pimp
Sadly, the legendaries just aren't worth it. Not only are they pretty terrible, but they have bad power curves (i.e. level 4 is not worth it in many cases). They've just been poorly designed - there's no two ways of saying it. It's a huge bummer as these should've been a bigger Glint sink. Olivia and the Weaver should've been Legendaries.
An extra point of attack here and there, those 1-mana legends will make a difference in modern. Gallicus is a nice threat in little league with taunt and I have found decent uses for the Water immunity legend as well. I haven't paid much attention to the levels, but their worth will shine brighter once Chaos Legion rotates with the fiends.
I am too far from maxing out any card at the moment but I will get there for sure. Thanks for this guide, this will come in a handy when I need it. !BBH
Absolutely! Glad it can help!
Interesting summary, thank you! I personally hold the Reaper higher, and play him a lot. Just published an article yesterday :-D But I don't play him on Max-Level yet, mostly silver and gold.
The legendaries are really not worth it, that's bit dissapointing - but the epics are very strong :-)
I really like the Reaper too - in some situations he's absolutely fantastic, and he's really good with Nid too. The Last Stand doesn't play too much IMO, but the anti-flying and reflection shield are amazing.
Oh, I really though the Last Stand can pull some serious weight in 15 to 17 Mana games. Well, I'll have to wait and see until I can try it - still 20 BCX away from that :-D
Chaos Evoker I would place even higher, besides being a beast with Lorkus, it is a hidden Even paired with n
Yeah I actually considered that. Might get another bump next time I make one of these if I feel I'm getting more and more mileage out of it.
Yes, I got it also on max and happy to use it on most occasions. Lorkus+speed gain+early attack, in an equal opportunity game, with leech.
I always look forward to reading your posts! Thanks for sharing such valuable input!
Thanks @thejedo, so glad to hear that!
I don't think BLACKMOR should be in this ranking, it offers a good result for its mana cost.
Interesting. In what contexts do you reach for it?
Thanks for sharing! - @azircon

$PIZZA slices delivered:
(9/10) @speedtuning tipped @bravetofu
Awww look at my poor lil prerelease guy Quilliun bringing up the rear in your rankings. He sure lost a lot of its luster when thorns was added to Tofu's kit.
Spot on with all the epics high in the ratings. I would even more Night Reaper up a touch for its very useful reflection shield and flyer targeting ability.
Slade is definitely the best rare and such a beast with both Elias and Cryptic. Solid work buddy!
This is fun. I pretty much generally agree. I'm actually TRYING to find one I really disagree with, just so I can have some input 😅 okay, i don't feel strongly, but i guess i'd make an argument for Quilliun Legionary to at least stay at C level. Only because I have used him in ranged-only ruleset (going the distance) with darth squirrel and had some success. The problem is though... I agree then, the void is not particularly helpful if ranged-only is that card's niche. Maybe it helps against runemancer flores? Lol. But that's a but of a stretch niche scenario too. Anyway, I think I generally agree with this list. Nice scoring system!