I can't promise this isn't going to be like the million other posts out there right now with people saying "look what I got" or "look what I didn't get" in my Riftwatchers packs. What I can promise is that it will be far more entertaining and I will also pose some interesting questions/thoughts that you may have not considered before.
If you have read my past posts, you know that I was just lucky enough to squeak into the presale and pick up 300 packs. Correction, make that 330 packs. Thanks to the proposal passing, I sent my extra 30 vouchers to the proper address the other day and I am just waiting for my 30 bonus packs to show up.
It was a long week or so waiting to be able to open them, but honestly that extra time gives you the opportunity to make a strategy and figure out what you might want to do with them. Crack them all? Hold them all? Open some and leave some to see what happens to the price? But then, how many do you open? Half? A third? The possibilities are almost endless.
Ultimately, I decided to open 100 of my 330 packs to see what I got. Of course we all know how that goes. I hit my 100 pack mark and sure enough I said "just 25 more", that wills till leave me with quite a few to either open later after the airdrops have happened or to sell if the price mooons.
I double potioned all of them and I was really happy to end up with all of the gold cards that you see above. I was even able to level up a couple of them to level 4.
I like opening my packs in groups of 7 (or so). I don't think it really makes a difference towards the rarity of cards I get, but mentally I feel like I have better flips than I do when I open a pack at a time or more than 10 at a time.
Call me crazy, I know it is all in my head.

I was also able to snag these four legendary cards. Two of which I was able to level up to level 2. Not great, but pretty good. I wasn't able to get any GFL cards, which kind of sucks, but I have a feeling I am not alone there.
For me, those gold cards are most important. In my guild I solely participate in the gold card frays. I noticed there was a gap that needed to be filled in that area, so I decided to go all in and focus solely on those frays. Therefore building my Gold Foil cards has been a bit of a priority for me.
As I was starting to combine my cards, this is where one of my thoughts/questions came up. So I do a bit of a hybrid approach to Splinterlands. I play the daily quests with some of my cards. In my guild I play only Gold Foil frays, and then the rest of my cards I rent out (more or less).
Like I said, I was combining my cards and I realized I had a card that I could only get to level 3 or 4, but then it would be more than half way to level 4 or 5. Setting aside the fact that I still have packs to open, it made more sense to me to make two cards. One at level 4 with 0 of however many to go to get to level fine. Then another of the same card at level 2 or 3 (however high I can get it with the remnaing cards).
My thinking is, I can then use the higher level card for my daily quests and I can use the lower level card to rent out. Does that seem like a good strategy or are there too few people renting those lower level cards? I honestly haven't researched it, so I don't know.
So that's my first thought/question.

I got quite a few epic cards which is kind of cool. I think a lot of us forget just how powerful those epic cards can be when you get them to higher levels. When I was opening some of my CL packs, I felt like epics were harder to come by than legendaries.
Actually talking about all of these cards brings me to my second thought/question. Anyone else besides me starting to find that there are just too many cards in the game? I'm not kidding, I just about run out of time making my teams sometimes becuase I have to scroll through all of the cards.
Trust me, I know there are filters at the top which helps to narrow down things, but sometimes it takes you a few seconds to remember exactaly what a card does. There are just so many options these days it can get overwhelming. I'm not suggesting they should extend the time they give you to create a team. Then we might as well be playing Hearthstone where one match can last half an hour.
I like the fact that they split out Wild and Modern. That probably helps some people who have larger decks. I don't know, maybe there isn't a solution. I'm just wondering if anyone else besides me is having the same issue?
I literally just end up clicking random cards sometimes so I can get my team on the battlefield in time. Luckily it hasn't hurt me too much so far, but I can see it being an issue as I raise higher in the ranks. Plus with the RW cards now, it will be even more than I have to sort through. I can't even imagine what the people do who have a complete deck!
I look forward to reading your comments. Did you open some packs yesterday? Did you get anything good? I'm honestly a bit shocked that the general sale hasn't been going a bit quicker. I kind of expected those 2 million or so packs to fly off the shelf by now. I guess everyone spent their extra money on nodes...
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Thanks! Seven just feels like I get better pulls. I know it's all in my head!
Wow, looks like you did pretty good! Congrats!
I missed the presale. So it goes. Seems like as of now there are plenty left in the regular sale, so I haven't bought in yet. I don't think I have enough money to buy in enough to make a difference, so I may just buy some packs to hold in case they moon after they sell out. Hmm.. thinking about what I should do.
Absolutely. But having grown up with MTG and having been addicted to Hearthstone for a few years, I'm used to it. Any card game that lasts more than a few years is going to have this problem. I think the wild/modern format which Hearthstone started and Splinterlands copied is a pretty good solution.
I think I did okay. I bought far fewer packs than a lot of people I know. If the price of cards goes back up to the point that renting full time makes sense, I might do that. I just hate missing out on the reward cards. I am surprised that they haven't been selling quicker as well. Must just be the markets lately or something. That makes sense about the different modes. I think they might need to add more if they keep going.
Tbh, the RW sale was structured so heavily towards the pre-sale that buying it regularly now almost feels like a massive disadvantage. I believe a lot of people are waiting for SPS to head closer to 0.1 before buying more, unless you play in the higher leagues whereby the high mana battles are more prominent.
Yeah, that is a good point. Getting more buying power out of your SPS is something worth waiting for.