How I found splinterlands

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Hey everyone I’m bobcarj, back in may i had to walk away from my job after I got assaulted by another worker and the boss wouldn’t do anything about it. I had not long welcomed my 3rd son into this strange world.

Before I lost my job I was watching a few people on twitch. After I lost my job twitch became my safe place when I hit rock bottom. I had won some money on some marbles races.

On one day I won a nft on the polygon network, I had never had anything to do with crypto up to this point so it opened my world up for sure. One thing led to another I had a polygon wallet then wax wallet and finally got a hive wallet.

Looking around twitch I stumbled into a marble stream that was giving away some wax ntfs. I managed to win some of them then they started playing a card game that looked really cool. After watching for a while I thought this is something I needed to take a look at, found out what it was called and started doing my research.

After having little money and no job I took the risk of spending $10usd ($16.99ndz) to buy the spellbook. After having a play around for free and testing the waters of course. Not even 1 hour after buying the spellbook I was watching twitch and won myself a pack from winning marbles and that was my first cards I ever owned.

Well that was how I started splinterlands must be time to let you all know my feelings about splinterlands. Well short answer is I love it but let me explain a few things.

So I only started at the start of this season and have been watching streams on twitch playing, when they have asked how people have been getting on I have said I have only started this season and the advice they offer is amazing.

I have had a few people send me cards and others that have delegated some cards to help me out (loan cards). With all this help I have just about got my first season chest.

First? You say for the most part of the season I only had 100 power and my best sp earned in one battle was 15. So it has been a bit of a grind.

Something I have found a bit hard/ struggle with is I don’t have a computer so I had to do the start up on my old lady’s laptop so I can play it on my phone. Every now and again I will borrow the laptop so I can play more at home but I do really need to get myself a pc that I can play and stream so I can help others out just the same way the community has helped me out

This is the first time I have done something like this so thank you very much for taking the time to read this and all the comments (if I get any) it mean a lot to me.

Till next time keep grinding, playing and having fun.


Que buena anecdota, bienvenido a la comunidad.
Exitos en HIVE y en Splinterland