Hello! This post is for Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. As I started playing Soulkeep not long ago, I wanted to make a Spell Tierlist for Soulkeep.
Soulkeep is a Tower Defense game that is currently running in Splinterlands website, and there are a ton of cards to play with. It is fun to play, and there is even a Tournament every day where you could win some SPS (although it is very hard).
This is the Tier that I ranked for each spells. Keep in mind that those are just my opinions, and the best lineups for each maps will be different, and also this Tierlist is based on the lower side of leagues, specifically in leagues 2~3.
I ranked the Tiers as followings:
S Tier: You must have to play Tournaments for more points.
A+ Tier: The best spells in this game, which is not affecting the points directly.
A Tier: Good spells to use, but not the best.
B Tier: Spells that are useable, but there are better options.
C Tier: Too niche spells that is only useable in certain rulesets/maps.
D Tier: Unusable in lower leagues.
S Tier
For S Tier, there are 2 cards which is almost required to play Tournaments in Soulkeep: Mana Mania and Heartgiver. Both spells give extra points to you when it is played, regardless of what league you are in.
In Soulkeep Tournaments, each mana earned from killing enemy fiends would result in more points. Mana Mania gives extra mana when a fiend dies inside the Mana Mania's range, which will result in more points.
Also, each heart remaining at the end of each wave gives 50 extra points. Heartgiver gives some hearts when played instantly once, which results in more points. The best time to use it is at the start, because the extra points will be coming each wave.
A+ Tier
For A+ Tier, we have spells that are not directly related to points, but is very powerful and it is almost a must in most lineups.
Venus Fiendtrap insta-kills almost any fiend that reaches its range, up to a maximum of 5~6 depending on levels. It could be used as a last barrier of defense before 'Soul Gate', which you are defending it from the fiends.
Gear Grease is a buff spell, where it would be buffing Towers that are placed by reducing the reloading time. The tower would be shooting it more significantly often, so I placed this card at A+ Tier. Depending on your playstyle, this card could be in A Tier because the maximum amount of spells you can play is 5.
Cheapo and Buildmaster are similar, as they reduce the amounts of Soul needed to buy the next Tower/Spell and Buff from Towers. At the first round, you would be short of mana usually, so those 2 spells would help you to play stronger towers and buffs from Round 1.
A Tier
In A Tier, we have cards that are not used often than the A+ Tier cards, but is also good when it is used.
You would be using Cracklesnaps often when a lot of fiends come together closely, as this card works like a Firework and deals damage to all fiends in the area for a short duration. I personally use this card in Sharp Defense map, where there is a joint that fiends group often. Depending on the map, this card could be swapped out for other spells.
Kansas Twist greatly slows the fiend in its huge area, which means that fiends would be staying on track longer and would be taking more hits. The only downside is that it costs 40 mana.
Slime Trooper summons a unit on course, and although the unit is kind of nice to have it on course, it is also expensive and you would usually want to buy Towers than this card, since it is going to be there for only 1 round.
B Tier
In B Tier, we have cards that are used not often than the A Tier cards.
Stew of Doom is the cheapest spell of all spells currently, but the damage that it does is not really high and it is only useful against the weakest fiends.
Raining Cats is similar to Venus Flytrap, but Venus Flytrap is much better because this card needs multiple units inside the range to activate. However, you could also run this card and Venus Flytrap together to have 2 last defenses.
Higher Ground buffs tower's attack range, which is good for certain towers, but for 24 mana the difference is rather not really much.
Damage Amplifier is also nice, but the range is rather small and duration is kind of short, and for the same mana you have Gear Grease which just gives more DPS.
Shrimpify is an interesting card. It makes fiends more smaller and fiends take more damage, but the duration and range of this card is too short for 30 mana and there are better options out there like Kansas Twist.
C Tier
In C Tier, we have cards that are too niche or has a better spell for it.
Armor Piercer does not really affect much by reducing armors of the fiends, unless the ruleset gives high Physical and Magical armor resistance. Even than, it is hard to target multiple fiends in its radius.
Striking Critic is also kind of expensive, and the Critical damage doesn't feel like much. Also, it is kind of useless as unlike other spells, it is triggered at the start of each wave, meaning the duration of it gets more shorter.
Talentless makes all fiends in the area talentless, meaning no special abilities(Healing, Spawning, Freezing) are triggered in its radius. It only shines in ruleset where Fiend's special ability is triggered faster. You should also be aware that the radius is not really huge.
Backslider makes a number of fiends to move backwards for a short amount of times. It is a fun spell that kind of works against few strong fiends, but not effective enough against horde of fiends. Kansas Twist is better.
Drunken Digger has more uses than Slime Trooper, but when it gets hit a couple of times, it moves to a random place in the map, making it less useful than Slime Trooper.
D Tier / Unranked
D and Unranked Tier has spells that are not useable in the lower leagues.
Unfortunately, when I used Stickybomb it was not working most of the time because of the requirement of heavy fiends, so I placed it in D Tier.
I might be not recognizing Quick Flu's potential, but currently this card does not seem really good. Although it reduces fiend's health in this spell's zone, if they make it alive it is fully recovered.
Anvil of Awe is the second highest expensive spell, but it is not really useable currently in most low leagues because of this card's requirement(fiends must have 10,000 HP or more to trigger this).
Similarly, Frog Boiler only works for heavy fiends. It is also an expensive spell comparing to others, costing 80 mana.
Soulful is Unranked because this spell does not really affect the game. Instead, it gives extra Souls when a fiend dies inside this spell's range. Souls are needed to proceed to the next league, so you could use this if you want to go to higher leagues faster. Also, it costs 250 mana to use it.
And that was my ranking! I think that this ranking could change depending on leagues, and my personal opinion on them. After looking, I think that Cracklesnap, Slime Trooper could go for B Tier, and Stew of Doom could be in A Tier.
Thanks to all the people that read this post! I hope everyone got some information by reading this post!
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121