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RE: An Open Letter to the Splinterlands Community

in Splinterlands10 months ago

See…this is where you completely lose me. When you say shit like “zero fucks given team”. This is obviously not the case as these folks are working hard at building something fun and unique. Will they always hit the nail on the head? No, there will be misses…but the passion and care they have for developing something unique and special is the polar opposite of your impression that they give zero fucks.

Also, I never excused them for their errors. If you read the post you’ll clearly see that. But the team swinging and missing from time to time does not excuse the completely toxic and classless shitshow that some of you have turned chatting about this project into. Grow up and try to be a better person is my advice. Maybe aggression and anger are traits you exhibit in your everyday life…I dunno…but it absolutely does not help on this situation.

Be a part of the solution instead of adding to the problem.

Also, in the years that I’ve been here, I’ve heard the “this game is dying/dead chant” 1000 times. For the life of me, I’ll never understand why people spend so much time, effort, and energy surrounding themselves with something they clearly can’t stand.


My reply was never meant to be aggressive so I'm sorry if it came across that way, the problem is its not just a swing and a miss here and there, its multiple consecutive failures. Multiple side projects that have sucked away resources, rather than fix the mobile app they abandoned it when mobile gaming is the no.1 most accessible and used type. The community are starting to go beyond just moaning and acting by leaving the ecosystem, card prices are bleeding. SPL is in trouble and unless drastic action is taken by the team not the community it isnt going to improve.

It’s ok homie. I get the frustration.

But all of these situations you are referring to were all decisions made by different folks leading the project back then. Matt is now trying to (yes…slowly…lol) correct these issues. Soulkeep is launching “soon” according to Double Coconut. Validators are an important piece of the pie and that is getting love this year as well as the player experience.

As far as the mobile app goes, yes I wish we had a nice one. But what we had was incompatible with the new tech that the project is being created with. Tech modernization is revamping how all of the pages look and operate. I also know there’s lots of complications with getting crypto projects having viable apps via the Apple and Google stores.

I hope in time that once these other pieces are in place, they can shift some focus back to that as apps are important.

You aren’t wrong things were mishandled or at least handled in a way that could be seen as detrimental to the overall health and happiness of the project and our community. But under this new regime, things ARE being tackled and corrected. I feel as though we either owe it to this new era to give them the opportunity to make good, or exit if you think they won’t accomplish these goals. But shouting from the rooftops about our past failures when he had no say in those decisions…seems a bit unfair to me.

I think people need to make a choice. Give them the opportunity or don’t. But sticking around while blasting the errors on repeat do no good for anyone here.