in Splinterlands2 years ago

Hello, splinterlands lover, I wish everyone is very good. I also fine. Today I share my Battle that play and win the match. I got some point for win this match. I think you like my post for Battle challenge.


This week card: TEMPORAL MASTER

Card stats:


Card Lore:

The horologe node is the first focus. The annulus scepter the second. But to ascend to the highest levels of the craft the anachron time mage must abandon talismans and operate by mind alone. For the rare adept blessed by visions of the turning wheel they can shift the flow of siphilum in time's flow by sheer force of will.

It is these Temporal Masters that advised the great council until the highest in their order, the High Magus Obin Anvaras, betrayed them. Those that remain hunger for a chance to reknit time and erase the chaos heresy that brought the Legion to the Splinterlands.
“Nodes? Where we’re going, We don’t need nodes.”

-- Dr. Ammet Brunneus, Temporal Master

Cards details:

Time Mage:

Time Mages are members of the Order of the Silver Shield and close associates of the Wizards' Council. They are trusted to peer through the fabric of time and reality to foretell the future or manipulate the present by slowing the flow of time. They can also speed up the aging process of armor, causing it to rust prematurely.

However, with such power also comes great risk. The future is ever-changing, and the ripples of time can affect everyone. Time Mages must undergo strict training to ensure they don't abuse their power and use it only for the most dire of circumstances.
“It’s your kids, Marten! something’s gotta be done about your kids!”

--Time Mage to Marten Paragon, Father of Dax Paragon, 25 years prior to the Chaos Legion invasion

Stitch Leech

Stitch Leeches are able to heal themselves and others of their wounds. They are found in the deepest caves of the world and are bred from the life energy they take from others. Once they latch onto their victim, they siphon out healing life element to cure themselves. Magical practitioners have even been trained to use them as portable life magic. Though it is a dangerous practice and comes with the risk of the leech biting them.
Archmage Eldanna Willowill pulled the sheet off a glass tank. Inside the plump Life Leeches squirmed, leaving trails of moisture along the glass. Her apprentice, Kyvan Jones, recoiled.

“Their bite is as painful as all the hells, so be careful when handling one,” Eldanna advised.

Kyvan scrunched up his nose. “I don't know if I want healing this badly. They're gross!”

Eldanna smiled. She had thought the same thing when she was a young mage. But experiences in battle had changed her mind.

“When you are bleeding out, you'll feel differently,” she advised.

Portal Spinner

Lore: ortals Spinners are members of the Cult of the Rift, a faction within the Chaos Legion that harnesses rift magic to cast deadly spells.

Portal Spinners siphon life magic from their surroundings to open mini-rifts in the fabric of reality. Some thought to use these portals to travel between realms. However, after attempting to do so, many a Portal Spinner was consumed by whatever foul beasts dwelled on the other side of the portal. Others emerged... rearranged... and either dead or wishing they were dead.

Now, Portal Spinners simply use their portals to launch chaotic and random attacks against their enemies. They might open one portal beneath a fallen sword, boulder, or other weapon of convenience and a second portal above their enemies, sending the weapon through the rift and crashing down on its unsuspecting victim.

If facing enemies capable of flight, Portal Spinners have been known to use their portals to drop nets upon their foes, grounding them.

Blinding Reflector

Lore: Blinding Reflectors, also known as Reflects, are unique among Life magic elementalists in that they channel their Life essence into their shields. They are the first units into battle and stand at at the front of the line, firing a concentrated beam of Life energy to blind their enemies and reflecting any magic attacks against them. If multiple Reflects use their abilities in unison, they can create a ray of light as bright as the sun.

A legion of eldritch creatures swarmed across the open plain. They ran, bounded, crawled, skittered, and flew.


The ground trembled. The roar of the approaching horde filled the air. Sweat ran down the young Reflector's brow, and he blinked rapidly as he stared at their approach. He glanced to his left and right at the other Blinding Reflectors who stood alongside him in a single rank.

“Stand firm, boy,” said the elderly woman beside him.

He glanced at her. She nodded and gave him a grim smile.

Chaos Knight

Lore: haos Knights are most often found at the front line of the Chaos Legion's invading forces, although they are sometimes enlisted to defend garrisons, leadership, and other high-value assets. They are heavily armored and wield massive battle axes that are able to cut down even the mightiest of foes.
Those of the Order of the Silver Shield stood waiting as the Legion of Chaos closed the distance between the two armies. The Shieldbearers in the front rank planted their shields firmly in the earth and set their feet, while archers and mages readied their bows and their spells. Those wielding melee weapons tightened their grips on their hafts and hilts, ready to charge once the Shieldbearers had born the brunt of the initial assault.

At the head of the column opposite them, Chaos Knights led the charge, the throng behind them screaming and jostling to be the first into battle. The heavily armored knights hefted battle axes that were impossibly large, and those of the Order of the Silver Shield eyed them warily.


Mana Cap: 25

Attack type: rear

Round 1:
So the Summoner I am going with for this battle is a rented level 1 Life Sapper the one and only Summoner I use. This effectively means that all splash damage from my ranged attacks, drawn in by the taunt Monster, will be negated. I'll stick to renting it though. Definitely worth throwing it in any battle with a large mana pool. I cannot think of an occasion where you might go wrong with that. After 1 round, both line-ups have not suffered any losses yet. So it is still hard to tell who has an advantage at this point. I damage opposite side cards.

Round 2:
At the start of Round 2 I have managed to take down Life Sapper and Carrion Shade but as we can see from the screen shot uper taken a moment after the beginning of Round 2, my Stitch Leech is a goner as well. I damage opposite side 1 more.

Round 3:
Round 3 and one teams have 1 Monsters left on the battlefield. However, the enemy's disadvantage is glaringly obvious. I damage opposite side 1 more card.

Round 4:
On the last or 4th round damage opposite side all cards. I got win the match.

And Finally I win the Splinterlands Battle game. Get point 24.

Battle Link: