A Card For All Circumstances (The Chain Golem)

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

I apologize this is a repost, there was some difficulty with the Hive engine. I attempted to remove, but could not.

How was the Golem Built


With the Chaos Legion Pre-sale buzzing as ever I thought it the perfect time to shine a spotlight on what has to be my outright favorite and most played card; Chain Golem. I mention the pre-sale because Chain Golem happens to be one of the latest promo cards released, similar to how Dr. Blight will be. If Dr. Blight is one par with Chain Golem we are in for quite the delight on his release.


I will outline a few of the key reasons why Chain Golem is just so amazing and why you may want to be renting him.

A Golem’s Versatility

Do you like Living Lava? Imagine if you could use him with every single Splinter. Well, you can with Chain Golem. Chain Golem’s stats are extremely similar to Living Lava’s, only better. He has more speed, more health, and more shield.


The Chain Golem is a neutral card that can work with pretty much any summoner, especially when leveled up. Whether you choose to hinder your opponent or buff your own team, Chain Golem benefits one way or another. If you reduce their melee or range damage it’s possible he will take no damage from some monsters thanks to his “Shield” ability. The same can be said from magic damage once he will level up once. He greatly benefits from more melee damage. When it comes to summoners that give additional abilities Chain Golem doesn’t discriminate; Thorns, Return Fire, Reflect Magic, Heal, Last Stand, Repair. He loves them all.


How’s He Look Leveled Up

To put it simple, he looks amazing. With each level the Chain Golem gains he gets an additional ability that is useful to his primary role as a front line tank. Alongside the abilities he gains some modest bonus on top of his already phenomenal stats.


  • The first new ability he gains is “Void”. The most useful as it sures up his one primary weakness, magic. This means that all damage from attacks he takes is halved, no matter the type.
  • The second ability he gains is “Piercing”. This ability comes in handy as Chain Golem will almost always be facing off against a front line unit, which frequently have armor that needs piercing.
  • His final unlocked ability is “Stun”. Another ability that comes in handy in the proverbial boxing match that occurs on the front line. One stun can be the difference in life or death.

Closing Argument

Chain Golem has won me many matches single handedly and I believe he will continue to do so. Whether the mana cap is 20 or 99, he will be getting played if the Splinter Gods allow.

If you aren’t sold on Chain Golem at this point, I don’t think you ever will be. And that is alright, to each their own. But for me, Chain Golem is an integral part of my team that I have rented non-stop ever since I discovered his potential. Sadly, I do not currently own a Chain Golem but hopefully one day in the near future I will.

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