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RE: New Hall of Legends promos

in Splinterlands4 months ago

I wish I had the money... The legends are awesome. Stun and Knock-Out in one card is really cool. But 300$ to 500$ for maxed out copies is just out of my league :-D And the lvl1 doesn't really make the cut. Maybe I'll get a lvl 2 rare, to have a third repairman for my Grandmaster Rathe Combos.


I feel you. I have the money. If I really wanted, I could even buy Heloise. But I can't justify putting so much into just one card because I certainly can't buy everything.

Well, Heloise is an extremely powerful card. She will generate a lot of wins, and might be necessary to get into the Top 100. She might make back the investment in a healthy amount of time, actually, if Leaderboard prices are calculated. But that's just me speculating from Diamond 1 :-D

Maybe, but not alone. Let's say I buy Heloise. I don't have most of the Rebellion set. I have none of the Hall of Legends promos and I have only a few of the commons, rares and epics maxed out. I do have several legendaries maxed out: Daarg, Rage, Lorkus, Tofu, Venka, Nalara, and Akane. And I have the 2 pre sale promos: Mantaroth and Grimbardun Smith. If I spend all that money on one card but I don't spend a ton more building my Rebellion collection and also on the next set, I still won't be able to compete for top100.

Yeah that's true. You already got most of the powerful Legends, really nice. That reminds me, I have to put Daarg on my Watchlist... :-D