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RE: DAO Proposal: Swap DAO BUSD and USDC/T For DEC

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Stablizer is good if the fees are all going to the DAO. Depends with SPS i knowwhat you are saying that if no innovation or additional players are onboarded it will slowly decline. Like i expect GLX to decline a lot unless the game is launched anda hit since it is a 200M and has 2 billion total. I expect sps to decline at a much slower rate unless land is a hit and a few other things happen then sps can increase and sustain the supply. GLX has more of a issue since it will get riskyer for a decline as moretokens are minted sincethe supply is much lower. I wish i couldjust smack all the scammers in the head andask what thefuck were they thinking they erased millions in vlaue to gain money ll to them by fucking everyone. Why cant we as a community get together and demand he shows up to answer for it and also pay it all pack with interest. If he says no we will have a list of things thatwe will do (dont have yet) Needmore info on weaknesses, vulnerabilities to exploit to make him cooperate and do the correct thing. I mean i would love the 4Kbackwhich is what it declined in glx for me and another 2-3K in packs. Lucky overall im in thegreen but another 7K i deff did not want it in his pocket