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RE: Why Play the Game?

in Splinterlands2 years ago

It is not because you are not invested in SL. (which you can change anytime by the way)It is because you play multiple tripple A games and you are probably 90+ percentile in lot of them.

People were are blinded by ROI and have forgotten the spirit of the game is entertainment. To be better than the next player, to be immersed in the that world. Its sad that they don't get it!


It is not because you are not invested in SL. (which you can change anytime by the way)It is because you play multiple tripple A games and you are probably 90+ percentile in lot of them.

All true dada, and I also want to change the state of not being invested in SL, gameplay wise. I've already talked to Zaku bhai. For now my younger brother seems to be interested, he would actually be a better candidate. He's way more talented and has the extra time to invest, so I plan on getting him into the game first. He's already been through a few SL 101s all by himself, just needs a bit more time I guess.

People were are blinded by ROI and have forgotten the spirit of the game is entertainment. To be better than the next player, to be immersed in the that world. Its sad that they don't get it!

If anything, ROI should be the motivator that motivates us to actually up our own game even more; invest more time, get better, learn a new skill or tactic. The games I play and compete in, most of the time I don't even get paid, but I still work on myself and my skillset whenever I get the chance. A big tournament and prize in my eyes is the perfect "excuse" to up my game, while also making some money on the side haha.

Sadly, these bots, AI assisted mechanics and cheats are becoming way more common day by day. These big titles and games do have anti-cheats, but they only work 50 to 60 percent of the time.

Also, thanks to the millions of $ that's flowing into the streaming/gaming industry recently, most of the streamers/pro players nowadays are relying on soft hacks for more "better" content. Some even go as far as using these hacks in home based tournaments, to take home the big cash prizes. Fortunately, many communities, big studios and devs are working tirelessly to battle such abusers, so there is still some hope.

If anything, ROI should be the motivator

That is for not blockchain gamers. As your ROI is typically always negative :)

Zaku is a good and influential person in SL. He is definitely an OG and knows in and out of the game and the market better than I do. If you or your brother, whoevers starts, they will start at a much better level to begin with.

That is for not blockchain gamers

I guess so dada, I guess so, it applies to any P2E game I guess, a whole different scenario compared to other genres.

If you or your brother, whoever starts, they will start at a much better level to begin with.

Yess, we'll definitely have a head start, working on it for now.