I don't agree here.
to me a 2nd layer project must prove its worth before I take that into account.
There are some projects that already have, and I am working to include that.
I don't agree here.
to me a 2nd layer project must prove its worth before I take that into account.
There are some projects that already have, and I am working to include that.
Every project has to start somewhere. Hiven's supporting other Hiven's with rewards earned on Hive. Read that again, its a complete circle of reward shifting all done here on HIVE that represents a self sustaining economy. Your system punishes that unless its a business that is already proven which no start up is.
Further considerations:
Hiven earns Tokens > Invests In projects On Hive > what happens to those invested tokens next is up to the project(s) that holds them. If extracted by the start ups or on-going business that issue should be taken up with the ones who actually did the extracting. The Hiven that provided the liquidity extracted nothing in such cases.
Extracting shouldn't be confused with "cashing out". Life happens and sometimes people need their funds. Lots of other considerations to take into account as well. Cashing out a portion for self enjoyment is also ok as well. Being here to simply take isn't and that is what an extractor is to me.
Highly incorrect. I am doing a data mining. I am not here to punish anyone. Based on my data mining what actions stateholders take it is their choice.
Also I am not discussing how I make my choices, that is definitely NOT up for discussion.
When someone is placed in the wrong category in your system that is them being punished. It's your system that you created thus my use of the words "you punishing". Instead of saying you I should of referred to the system you presented to make it less personal. I think this is a minor oversight on my part. Regardless my apologies if you got offended. I'm simply providing counter-ponts. It's nothing personal. Punishing might be a little too harsh of a word here.
I'm not sure what you mean by that. You created post(s) detailing the actions of others with a formula you created to categorize them (us). Those were your actions and if you thought they weren't gong to be addressed after you pointing out the actions of others then I don't know what to say to you other than that is a shocking revelation for someone to have who points out the actions of others.
I simply do not agree with many categories you refer to
I can prove with data, there are people who are extractting the rewards out, completely out of the ecosystem and not invested in ANY hive projects. List is VERY long for such people
I can also say that I do agree taking rewards out based on people's life situation. A KE = 3 refers to people that have taken out 3X of the rewards that they have earned. And that is okay.
I mean how I personally vote is not up for discussion
Also I am extremely comfortable with all my actions, and I take full ownership of those.
This is where I will close this discussion from my end.
There certainly are extractors. I didn't counter point saying there wasn't.
Well yeah, I agree with that.... However
No-where within any of my comments was I refereeing to how you personally vote.
I also have nothing else to add. Enjoy the rest of your day!