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RE: Why I'm Stacking Hive For Splinterlands

in Splinterlands6 months ago (edited)

Let us try a different approach :)

I see that you don't get any support, and no one knows you. Why don't we do something else. Why don't you write a post about who you are, where you are from and what you like to do here. How's that?


I like your point of view! Most of people don't know how to introduce this ecosystem, me included. I know what i like from other participants but i don't know how i can participate meaningfuly / how i can contribute to the community as a noob :)

There you go. Write a post with pictures :)

We like images

Alright! Will do hehe :) Another thing i don't understand yet, maybe you'll have answers! I wanted to join a community about Golem Overlord but even in the hive games, i dont see much related to it. I think Golem overlord is not a proper Hive game but it uses hive to facilitate transactions within the game. Should or can i make a community specifically on Golem Overlord and how? Thx