Learn Hive Etiquette

in Splinterlands4 days ago (edited)

Learn Hive Etiquette

Recently I did a video with @aftersound. Lots of people are watching it and starting their hive journey, again! Here is that post. Aftersound is a popular YouTuber (popular in SL standard, we are modest), so obviously he gets a lot of viewer/comments at YouTube. Since I am trying to get some of that viewership to hive, I was reading comments on his video. This particular comment about me caught my attention:


California Poppies generated by MidJounney AI

Not azircon again! The only reason some people like him it's because he's a Splinterlands and hive whale. He's gonna after people on hive, including some Splinterlands players. There are several stories for those but I'm gonna talk about the most recent one. Very recently the account noctury had all their posts nuked to 0 rewards but azircon alone. Splinterlands giveaway posts that help the community, getting 1, maybe 2 hive reward per post from over 100, sometimes 200 different upvotes. One person comes in and boom, everything is gone. All it took was one whale who makes 150 hive per day to destroy a person making about 100x less when there was a big number people who liked the posts. But this whale says that Splinterlands players should be more involved in hive.

Nothing against Aftersound but why does azircon say his posts deserve much more rewards? Aftersound makes these videos for youtube, where he's already getting paid (I don't know how much or how little). His hive posts don't require any effort because it's just sharing what he already posted on another platform, with a small added text. It's not consistent with the reason for destroying the giveaway posts that they are repeated posts and don't require effort.

And the reason people are not encouraged to make quality posts on hive is because they are not rewarded. If azircon and I made the exact same post, I would get less than 1 hive and he would get between 20 and 50 hive. It has nothing to do with quality, it's all about being known.

Not only does he go after some Splinterlands players, he also rarely upvotes Splinterlands content. If you check his voting history, most upvotes are outside Splinterlands.

And very scary thought: azircon owning splinterlands. I would quit the game on the same day.

Some whales, including azircon talk about "skin in the game". But what does that mean? Apparently azircon is already rich so spending over $10k a year on the game is nothing. Or someone who got into the game at the right time and got their stuff super cheap and now has a lot even after selling a fraction of the stuff for profit. Anyone who bought Untamed packs from the store and did nothing with them all these years, is still in profit! To me, someone who has $100 spare money everything month and puts half of that in the game has much more "skin in the game" than someone who got lucky and joined at the right time or someone who's already rich and drops $10k like it was nothing.

This is to say that just because you have a lot of SPS it doesn't mean you're right. I don't want more Vugtis or even more 1M SPS holders. I want 10k players in the 10k-100k SPS range. 10k new players with 50k SPS would be 500M SPS. That's over 10x what Vugtis has. And the biggest upside it that all of those would vote like regular players and not like whales.

Drama on Hive

Mind you I am a polarizing person at hive :) I will never say I am Holy! (do you catch the Fred-George reference from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?) If not never you mind, it is not important.


Source: One of my fav scenes in Dollars Trilogy

So I will answer to that comment, because I like to show that ignorance is bliss. The person in question is noctury. He really is a decent guy, one of the best logical gentleman I am interacted recently. He used to run a giveway of SL cards, by a series of automated posts that is posted for rewards. I felt it is better for him post original content, so to grab his attention, I downvoted and removed rewards from 6 days of his posts that fetched about 12 total dollars worth of rewards.

Here is the main discussion:


Here is the Positive Result!

Noctury is a stand-up guy. He took my advice, and published an original post and decided to turn a corner.

Here is the post.


Notice, his current original post has $13 of expected rewards, compared to $2 of rewards noctury used to get on every automated post that he used to post. I considered that previous posting habit a reward farming operation. I consider his new post as original manual effort and rewarded him accordingly.

I congratulate noctury on turning a corner. This is how honest original work is rewarded at hive!


As my friend Jimmy says, 13 bucks is 13 bucks! :)

Enjoy posting original content with effort at hive and you will be rewarded. I promise you that. This is the way, and there is NO OTHER WAY.


Nice one, let me drop an upvote to @noctury from my side too.

BOOM, now that's 20$ for some effort in a manual post :)

Hopefully he keeps up with the trend.

Thank you!! For others watching this is the new Hive :) This is the way things will be done. Cheers!

Thank you. Much appreciated!

Thank you for mentioning me here. Yes i read and understood the message. Now on i will reduce the amount of posts and go with quality vs. quantity. And of course in general quality will be beneficial for the chain itself.

You are most welcome! You already see the benefit of belonging to a community. Cheers!

Really enjoyed the chat with aftersound. I found your views super informed and interesting to see what your position is. Look forward to hearing more from you in the not too distant future

Thank you for the kind words! Cheers!

When is your snowboarding posts coming?

You're welcome. You are right, it's something I should do. I'll see if I can get one out this week

Giveaway posts, in the name, usually apply you're doing it to give something away. This is often done for attention, marketing or to gain followers, whether they're good followers is another story, but yeah.

There's this weird trend that's been brewing lately where giveaway posts are very similar with close to no effort and garner a lot of participation cause who doesn't want a chance to get something for free. What people don't realize is that the real winner is usually the people giving things away as they make a lot more in rewards for close to no effort than what they give away. For some weird reason most ignore this fact.

By all means don't stop the giveaway posts, but don't pretend you're doing it for little rewards when most get a profit out of them. If you're going to give something away, do it for other reasons, else it's not sustainable so either decline post rewards or use them to give them away in addition to the prizes.

Didn't read the full post so u may have mentioned the same thing, just thought I'd make my stance clear on it. Thanks for helping combat some of that activity.

Yes, nothing against giveaways. But these were going on for two years and often means very little if totally automated.

Regardless, I think we can showcase this particular case as a success story. I am glad the way it ended.


just FYI, if you vote my comment, that is a waste of VP :) On day 6 they are getinng downvoted :)




Remember the old bidbot, now defunct :)

that sucks, don't even remember if I knew who it belonged to :/

noticed a few comment downvotes on taraz and galen too, people hold grudges over weird things


We are working to make a bot to counter this :)

yeah, non-anon downvotes do that to you, I jokingly mentioned the word in a post the other day and it lead to an hour-long conversation over nothing really, just disappointment

looks manual too, sad

Don't worry, we got this :) If they want ass whipping, ass whipping is what they will get :)

They aren't totally wrong though. I mean a lot of it does have to do with who you know. After six years here I can definitely attest to that. I might not be super well known on the chain, but I know enough people that my rewards are pretty decent. It would be interesting to see how a post from two different people is received. I know that
s just a small piece of what your post is about though.

Absolutely. You can go apply for a job and do the interview. You might get the job you might not. It certainly helps if you know the person or someone who can recommend you. It's call networking!

I think that I put much more effort in my art posts and my let's play posts than in my splinterlands posts. Strangely enough my splinterlands posts earn much more. Some of my splinterlands posts earn 10+ dollars while my let's plays earn $0.22, $0.14 , $0.29... Here was one of my art posts. It earned $0.03. Sometimes I get some votes from bigger accounts that is nice. But normally my splinterlands posts earn much more. This is the main reason why I am not selling my splinterlands assets and converting them to HBD or Hive- my other rewards are inconsistent. But I have no intention of quitting Hive even if rewards are not as great as I would like.

There are various things here at the same time; let me try to unwind a bit.

  • Ask yourself this, who consumes art?
  • How of many of them are at hive?
  • How much HP do they have?
  • Do they know you?

Now ask the same questions about Splinterlands.

Now let me ask you a difficult question, and please pardon my ignorance, I am just asking. Are you a professional artist and do you have a portfolio?

I been making art since 2017 .I am self taught. I have sold a few art pieces. I gifted away way more and still have many unsold pieces. So I guess I am not a professional artist. The closest thing to a portfolio would probably be this post. It shows most pieces I have made. I also have facebook page but I have stopped uploading there because it is not growing.

Okay in that case let me help you with some connection :)


Acid, don't you guys curate art posts? If this gentleman is appropriate can you help him out if his work fits the profile please.

yeah but not focused anymore after on chain art leader kinda went afk

but yea I do follow fiery and have probably contributed a bit to his rep^^

No worries. I didn’t know what happened to art scene at hive. I haven’t kept touch. With rise of AI, individual hobby artists probably getting discouraged the most. Unless you make art for yourself and don’t worry about sales

It's one of the risks of having "others" run communities you help grow and when you create them yourself knowing they'll be around longer it's called "centralizing" communities. 🤷‍♂

We can hope other art related communities apply for incubation or we'll just start our own soon.

Thank you. @acidyo is one of the few bigger accounts I mentioned who sometimes upvotes my posts.

You are not as scary as many people think :) The main thing is that Splinterlands and Hive survive. And then many good people will come.

I am glad you are saying that and not me :)

He used to do this in the Hive Gaming community and I remember we warned him. Compromise and original content is always better :)

Much appreciated

I am a polarizing person at hive

If you ever decide to start a religion, let me know.

United we stand, divided we fall.
Divided we stand, united we fall.

Being a polarizing person is a flex in itself.

One question: Do you think Pokémon cards promote gambling in children? It's about probabilities versus guarantees, an opened card versus a pack of unknown cards. The question is more about the concept of the unknown than about Pokémon cards specifically.

I don’t think Pokemon cards promote gambling in children what it promotes is love of biology, imagination and good English spelling ability

I have noticed a renewed attention and support of my Splinterlands and dsily Actifit reports lately. It does not go unnoticed. It's just a challenge because every new piece of content means less Modern Splinterlands battles I get to play. Thank you for showing us the way. I am excited to see more of us Battlemages make the move to engage on Hive. 🥳🥳🥳

Well perhaps chances are we are doing something right.

That's why I want to make more comments per day for better interaction with people than making low effort post.
Making one good post take some time it can be few hours, if english is not your main language, but definitely is worth to make quality posts than spam blockchain with the posts, which earn pennies.

It is not about the number, it is about the networking.

This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 12% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

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I used to join Noctury's giveaways, so I was surprised when I saw you were downvoting him. It is nice to see that everything worked out in the end. I hope he gets support in his unique posts.

You reminded me of the dialogue from the series The Mandalorian, "This is the Way"
I can still remember your advice regarding not curating your own content, especially your own comments! I still remember that but often I break it by voting my own post but never to my comments, as often I get some votes with some cents only!
Thanks for sharing the story!

I like both you and @noctury posts and enjoy discourse with you both

You definitely have a great way of inspiring and educating people on this blockchain.

Here's to the pending bull run and super hype content from all of us :)

Oh this is some nice effort here. Hopefully, every community must take cue as well...

I saw that comment come through, I appreciate you addressing it head on. After having several conversations with you I've come to conclusion, and I'm not the only one that has reached this conclusion which should say something, that you are merely misunderstood. Most people who have taken the time to get to know you understand that you have the best intentions for both Hive and Splinterlands, and while I may not always agree with your methods I would never question your intention.

It is our goal to make this platform clean. I have a lot of experience with how people do reward farming, and if you let them do it they will. Soon that is so normalized that people will be doing it without even thinking that they are doing anything wrong.

Remember how for profit bot farms proliferated SL, and we are still trying to unwind them. It is the same with hive.

If that requires a boogeyman or two, so be it!