A Dose of Positivity

in Splinterlandslast year

A Dose of Positivity

As many of you know Splinterlands Discord channel has a chat called Mavricks-Housse, also called Mav-Chat, Mavs, or various variations. The qualification to chat in that channel is as follows:

For those who have purchased 1000+ packs from the in-game shop. It's like a clubhouse combined with an accelerated product suggestion box

This is a long standing discord channel, and really have been the place to be for game related product suggestion box. In addition it has also been the core of what I like to call 'the community'. Yes, there is community outside of this chat, or outside of this 'exclusive' club, but many of us call this home as related to splinterlands. This is a social network related to this game. Honestly speaking, it is not THAT exclusive. 1000 packs is not much these days. However, I am not here to judge, whether it is a lot or not. I am just saying that is the criteria as it stands right now, for better or for worse.

Lately, due to the bear market and the asset price decline related to that, there have been a lot of animosity in that discord channel. It is NOT for one particular reason, but almost anything and everything. It was always a little bit like this, but lately there have been an increase of animosity. We collectively call it SALT. Its been high enough lately that Aggy recently have to stop by and request to cut it down as much as possible. There even have been rudimentary polls done to check if the mav chat is good or bad for the new player experience. Yes, the sample size is rather small, but I think we see the bias. There have been discussions about if the eligibility of the mav chat can be changed to staking 100K SPS minimum. I am not saying I am for or against this, until a suggestion have been made formally. Regardless, to make a point of staking SPS, today I have bought 400K SPS and staked. I won't be selling this anything soon. If fact, I don't think I have ever sold any SPS.




Mind you, there have been lot of effort going on behind the scenes to improve new player experience. We don't see it, because none of it have been implimented yet. Also honestly, the new players do not see Mav Chat. This is a fact. However, the Salt still spills over to other channels and the broader part of the community. There are people, for various reasons, had to sell their collection at the depth of the bear market. I am sure there is good reasons for it. I feel sorry for you. But that is all that I can do. While I am empathetic to your life situation and loss, I can't fix it. You will have to deal with it yourself.

And maybe, perhaps, you are better off fixing your issue yourself and with your friends and family, as opposed to sitting on discord all day! Just a thought. I can't tell you what to do. You do what is best for you.


What can we do?

Lately there have been a lot of proposals regarding 'fixing' the economy of the game. It almost follows the same political campaign: "Make #### great again!"; you can put whatever in the ####. You can put America, China, Splinterlands, DAO whatever you want. My point is that this is a negative campaign. Why? Because you assume that IT IS BROKEN! So now we fix it!!

Or even worse! You break it first, and then you campaign to fix it! How convenient!

I don't know about you, but if it is my product, my country, my family, my home; I'd would be a bit offended by this type of campaign. Who are you to come to my house and call it broken? That is all I am saying.

I am not here to point at a problem though. That is not my style. I will suggest some solution.

  1. Consider respecting the Splinterlands team, they are doing their job
  2. Assume positive intent (yes, I know, you are asking me to do the same, I am) from the team
  3. Consider respecting your fellow player/stakeholder
  4. Consider not being a 'wallflower' and have a bit of a thicker skin, meaning, when people ask direct questions, doesn't mean they are after you personally, or being confrontational, or being a bully. Again, assume positive intent

That's about it. See it is not too much to ask. See, I didn't say how much you need to stake, how much your card collections are, do you own alpha/gold foil cards or not. No, none of that. Simple. I think if we can do this, we can get rid of most of the salt.

Also please don't be a net extractor of value, try to contribute and add value. Market doesn't care about your personal loss. Market doesn't care about my personal loss. Market is going to market, we can't predict that. A good friend of mine once said:

You do you, universe will do universe!

I take that word seriously. I hope you do that same.



The Splinterlands


Id say Mavs are healthy enough. It is mostly due to the old guard that get that nothing comes fast or easy. The guys with scars and bruises. The new guys, non-hivers are a lot more thin skinned, from what ive seen, but its to be expected.

Seeing what other discords that are as active as the SPL one look like I find Mavs to be a peaceful meadow full of teddy bears playing with dandelions.

 last year  

Lol couldn't agree more. It's mostly written for relatively new folks who are exiting already.

There's a reason why I don't watch TV news, and there's a reason why I don't read Mav Chat anymore.

 last year  

There are truths to both of these statements

I can be much more productive. It took me a few days to do this, instead of doom scrolling mav chat.


I like the idea from @leveluplifeph and I would support it, maybe not even change Mav chat but make a room for people that have verified stake in the game where I know the person talking is not just coming in and trolling and saying "team bad" "sps go to zero"

Also in other NFT-related communities where they got rooms for holders for example they tend to check when someone sells off he doesn't have access to the holder group just an idea.

 last year  

I am open for discussion.

There will only be one channel where the Team alpha is shared. So even if the Team makes a new channel their vote will become clear when they participate in Discord. Splinterlands the company can feel obligated to tolerate the disrespect from people but the community owes nothing to a person who loses money. Based on my PMs most people have already walked away from the chat.

Nice! Cant let you have all the fun. This week seems a good time to add SPS 😃

Blocking people works for me but doesn't help the rest of the community / game. Guess i can work on my vocabulary / contribution when in mav chat. 👍

 last year  

Please and thank you!

It is generally a good time to add SPS. I don't think this is a bottom though? But what do I know? I have no way to predict the market. Thanks for stopping by, always appreciate the comments.


I think in general when a population grows beyond a certain size, the complaints are always going to start to outnumber everything else. People tend to be negative more than positive. That may be because we feel fear, in this case fear over our investment, more than any other emotion. That's just how us messy meatbags work, for better or worse.

I don't really know if there is much of a solution for it in the mav room. The best solution will be the next bull run. hah! But of course that solution will only last as long as the bull run does.

I no longer read the mav room, though, for what it's worth.

 last year  

You could be right. But we can keep it civil. Complaining won’t get anyone’s money back

The stats have changed a bit after your screen shot lol. I can feel some change coming and that always makes people a bit uncomfortable. Let the next chapter of this adventure begin. Onward!


 last year  

Yes. The change is needed

Thank you for sharing your opinions, the least anyone can do is to be respectful. I don't think that that is too much to ask. I for one will continue to stake, I appreciate your words of encouragement to the "smaller fish" out there. We need new blood, new ideas and innovations to assist our beloved community to prosper.

 last year  

Yes. We need new people. Also we need to get rid of some deadweight.

Stake is your voice

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I don't think this Mavericks room is hindering new players with its opinions, in fact I would find it interesting if the members of this club would gain some benefit by increasing the entry cost for new packages or minimum SPS stacking, maybe the same thing that happens with SIMMILIONAIRE from dCity?

 last year  

I appreciate your opinion. I am not familiar with the details of dcity discord, seems reasonable

And thank God I left that chat on discord. By the way 1000 is not a well criteria

It is definitely a mixed bag when hanging in the Mav chat, but you can tell which voices are hurting and which have common sense behind them. Since the new year, however, I have spent precious little time in there compared to 20222. There are always people too quick to rush to judgment and make snap decisions before giving these delicate situations time to play out.

And you make a very valid point, many people bought the bull and don't have the longer view to wait out the current bear, so they have some hurt feelings due to likely loses on their assets.