Hello everyone, this time I will be participating in this Splinterlands Challenge, where I will be showing you an exciting battle in the modern ranked league.
First, let's talk a little bit about Jared Scar, a neutral legendary unit from the chaos set, being one of the six units and the only light unit that have the Bloodlust ability that is not a gladius card.

The Bloodlust ability allows him to gain +1 to all stats when he defeats an enemy unit, making him very powerful witch each kill.
At level 2, Jared gains the True Strike ability, meaning he can't miss any attacks, very useful against units that have a lot of speed and the flying and dodge ability.
And at level 4, he gains the Piercing ability, so if his attack is superior to the enemy unit's armor, the excess damage is applied to the unit's health.
Jared Scar is a little bit slow at first, so it is recommended to play with units that have Swiftness (to increase his speed), and units with Slow, to reduce the speed of the enemy units.
In this battle, units will lose 1 max health after receiving any attack due to the Cripple ruleset; and non-flying units will take 2 physical damage at the start of the second round onwards due to the Earthquake. Additionally, all melee units will attack the enemy in the last position instead of the first.

As in many battles, I choose the powerful Eternal Tofu, and this time I decide to give the Triage and Scavenger ability to Jared Scar, allowing him to heal a backline unit each round; and to gain +1 max health when any unit dies.
I decided to use two non-attack units, Pelacor Conjurer and Grimbardun Smith respectively, and between them I put Aves Sturgis, so they can get a magic attack power of 3 thanks to the Weapons Training ability.
In the fourth position, the strong Jared Scar. Then, I put two melee monsters Halfling Refugee and Chaos Knight, who has shield, receiving 50% less damage from melee attacks and will increase the attack of melee allies by 1 thanks to his Inspire ability.
In the first round, the enemy Runeseer Sevaya defeats my Pelacor Conjurer. Then, Ulfga the Blighted, who can self-resurrect once, is defeated twice by my Grimardun Smith and Jared Scar respectively. My Aves Sturgis and Jared are poisoned due to Ulfga's Poison Burst effect after it is defeated.
In the second round, the enemy Pelacor Conjurer defeats my Aves Sturgis. Jared Scar then defeats enemy Elanor Bravefoot, further increasing his stats.
In the third round, enemy Pelacor Conjurer is defeated by the Earhquake. And my Grimbardun Smith is defeated by enemy Runeseer Sevaya.
In the fourth round, Jared Scar destroys the enemy Rage dragon. And in the fifth round, enemy Karst Harpy defeats my Jared Scar. Then, Chaos Knight defeats Runeseer Sevaya.
In the seventh round, Chaos Knight after a previous attack in the sixth round, ends the battle by defeating Karst Harpy.

Because the enemy units gained the Camouflage ability due to the enemy summoner, Lily Shieldpaw, my melee monsters were unable to attack the enemies in the last position, but my Jared Scar was still able to defeat some enemies, including the Rage dragon thanks to his high attack power anyway.
The enemy played a similar strategy by buffing their non-attack units with the Weapons Traning ability of Rage, they were able to destroy my Jared Scar, but it wasn't enough to defeat all of my units. Two of my last melee units, Halfling Refugee and Chaos Knight survived and won the battle.
That's all for now, if you haven't played Splinterlands yet, you can join with my referral link. See you on the battlefield!
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar