Hello everyone, this time I will show you a battle in the champions league, in this Splinterlands Challenge.
In this battle, no monsters will have armor due to the Unprotected ruleset, also only monsters with 3 or more ranged, magic or melee power can be used due to the Might Makes Right. In addition to those, the Noxious Fumes will be active, meaning all units start the battle poisoned and lose 2 health at the beggining of each round, starting in round 2.
Since the Might Makes Right ruleset is active, Grimbardun Smith unfortunately cannot be used.
So, in this battle I used 2 monsters with the IMMUNITY ability, so that they would not be affected by the Poison effect.

Harbinger of Chaos, in addition to the Immunity ability, has the Divine Shield ability, which makes it ignore the first damage it would receive.
And Vampiric Blossom also with Immunity, will have the Oppress ability, which will not be useful in this battle since units without attack cannot be used. And it also has the Deathblow ability, dealing double damage if its target is the only unit left on the enemy team.
In this battle, as in most of my battles, I used the trustly Eternal Tofu as a summoner. In my first position I used Halfling Refugee. Then, to evade possible melee or ranged attacks I used Regal Peryton, which has 7 speed and the Flying ability, so enemy units will have less chance of hitting it. After that, Harbinger of Chaos. In the fourth position, Venari Crystalsmith, who will heal the first ally in the frontline. And in the last position, Vampiric Blossom.
I used the left side tactic of my summoner giving the Corrosive Ward and the Divine Shield to 3 units, Halfling Refugee, Regal and my Venari. The opponent used the right side tactic, granting Venka, the Triage and the Scavenger ability.
In the first round, all melee monsters took damage when they attacked due to the Thorns ability, but none were defeated.
In the second round, enemy Pelacor Mercenary was the first one in be defeated due to the Poison. And the enemy Venka defeated my Refugee. And after my units attacked Mad Ogre, it was defeated due to the Thorns.
At the start of the third round, Venka the Vile was defeated by the Poison, and my Venari Crystalsmith ended the battle by defeating the enemy Venari.

Full Battle
This time the battle was easy, as only 1 of my units was defeated. It only took 3 rounds for my units, with the help of the Poison effect, to end the battle quickly. My opponent also used an Immunity unit, but it wasn't enough to defeat my units.
That's all for now, if you haven't played Splinterlands yet, you can join with my referral link. See you!
Thanks for sharing! - @underlock