Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! OP front line duo! Imperial Knight is hard as rock!

in Splinterlands5 months ago

Welcome Guys!

Imperial Knight layout.png

In this post I want talk about great front line, which I discover while playing silver tournament. This is really strong teamcomp and I want share it with you Guys! To make it really most op duo in game you need op summoner too to have better sustain, but I will tell you more, when I will talk about battle, where I was able to use this duet.


Card presentation - Imperial Knight



In the Order of the Silver Shield's knighthood, Royal Leonines are sometimes referred to as Imperial Knights because of their regal appearance and excellence on the battlefield. They wear the heavy plate armor of the Silver Shield, and most carry greatswords in combat, although some prefer warhammers, spears, and other two-handed weapons.

Entire platoons and companies are often comprised of this imperious race, and they are a formidable force when employed in defense of the Kingdom of Khymia. Imperial Knights are renowned for their tenacity and indomitability, and they will fight to the last lion rather than retreat or surrender.
The Imperial Knight Lieutenant swung his greatsword, cutting his enemy in two. He spun and struck down two more.

Around him, the battle raged. His platoon of royal leonines was surrounded by Chaos Legionnaires.

“There's too many of them,” a nearby Imperial said. He grunted as he yanked his greataxe from the chest of a fallen foe.

“Nonsense,” another said. “I'm just getting warmed up.”

The lieutenant grinned, revealing the gleam of canines and incisors. “That's the spirit.”

He brought his greatsword down in a two-handed swing. A legionnaire brought his own sword up to block the blow, but the force of the lieutenant's swing drove his opponent's blade back. Crimson splashed the earth.

An Imperial Knight Sergeant pointed toward a nearby hill. “Looks like the party's just getting started. Now the real fun begins.” A formation of mounted Chaos Legion soldiers had crested the peak and was galloping toward them.

The lieutenant growled. “Imperials, on me!” he shouted.

HIs platoon closed in around him, still facing outward. They dodged and parried and countered as the Chaos Legion advanced.

“Remember your oaths. Today, we stand not just for Khymia, but our families and their future. Fight with honor!”

His platoon responded as one. “Die with pride!”

With a roar, they charged through the ranks of the surrounding Chaos Legion, cutting down those who stood in their path. Paws thundered on the earth. Manes flew in the wind. They bounded toward the mounted Chaos Legion soldiers and, with another roar, met them head on.

The horses reared up, screaming. Their riders struggled to remain seated, eyes wide. Many fell to the ground in a cloud of dust.

The Imperial Knights slammed into their ranks, and the hillside ran red with blood.

As we can read directly from the lore about Imperial Knight they are really skilled warriors, which can use long heavy swords, great shield and plate armor. Some of them prefer to fight with clubs or other kind of two-handed weapons. They are really strong to handle that kind of weapons.

They not accept defeat and will fight to the last portion of blood. The Imperial Knight Lieutenant was strong enough to kill with just one powerful hit from great sword and then kill another 2 enemies, which were around him.

I really like these forces it remind me of my will of playing In Splinterlands. No matter what gonna happen I will try my best, never surrender and just DO IT! It doesn't matter what goal right now I try to achieve with Imperial Knights by your side all is possible, you just need to be strong and believe in the process on the way to victory!


Card Stats


In my opinion this card is really powerful in Silver League, get's tank heal ability. 3 damage is enough to fight for the rights and innocents. Void armor is just best what you can have on tank. You can get some magic damage and still have bunch of hp left. Imperial Knight have great tank skills you can buff them with summoner to make them really fat unit on the battlefield.


Battle time

Battle link: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sm_IrvM6y7RNKOQqmbnrudP

I can talk and talk, but words are cheap. To prove I am right about this card I have battle with Imperial Knight by my side as a tank in first position. I decided to buff this card even more using shield ward card from dwarf in second position and with additional 2 hp & thorns from Tofu summoner. This combination not only let me sustain for long as a tank but is supposed to deal strong damage in back I mean thorns. 2 more hp is great combined with tank heal ability. but this is only talking, you need to see this right away in the battle!


I was really good prepared for that battle, because I let my Tofu use divine shield with corrupted shiled on my first 3 units. Divine shield is great ability, cuz I can tank at least one first powerful attack from fast enemy monsters. Corruption shield is awesome, because when some of enemy monsters have a armor is reduced by 2 just when land hit on my Imperial Knight. So from just only 2 default abilities tank heal and void armor I made from my Imperial Knight unit with 7 abilities! Don't forget about snare from Tofu summoner, which always hit flying units. Of course in this battle there no flying units and this is tournament battle, so you never know what opponent decide to play, but you know one thing that you are well prepared with that kind of setup!

Game Rulesets

Let's talk about game rulesets.

Only one ruleset, which mean you need to play with cards with at least 3 attack/magic/ranged damage. Great news for us, cuz our Imperial Knight have already 3 attack damage, so I can say that it was best choice to play with him!

41 mana is really much to have decent with around our knight. You can play with some supports on the back or just buff your tank with dwarf like I do.
Usually tank healer have less damage than 3, so where not playable in this matchup. Imperial Knight have self heal, so was great choice here. When I analyze more and more this specific battle I see that there was no better choice for my tank.

Battle description

As always battle starts from buffs and debuffs from cards and summoners. After that cards are prepared for first damage exchange between them. Sometimes one team is much stronger on the paper, but get weaker when buffs and debuffs jumps in. In my battle I see that my team after this just get stronger. You can say that Lorkus is powerful summoner especially with magic and you have right, but Tofu is great, cuz give all the units additional 2 hp, so it give me a time to make some good damage!


Another thing I need to admit is team size. I have 1 monster more from the start and I had summoner for 7 mana too. That is great advantage and I am pretty sure I not gonna waste that during battle. My opponent have only attack damage and magic damage on the table. One disabled unit at third position, which doing nothing only is ready to take some damage from my random scatter shot. 2 of his units have heavy attack damage, so they will probably try crush on my tank and get damage back from my thorns. You can tell that magic damage can be a problem, but it is not, because he played with only one magic damage versus my tank, second had snipe ability. So as you see only one magic can hit my tank, but my tank have void armor, which nullify that damage and shield from my dwarf, which made him unkillable in early stage of the battle.


Second round was without key tank of my opponent. It was really easy to predict that. Tank with only thorns and bunch of hp without resist just die fast from my mixed damage from magic, ranged and attack damage from my Imperial Knight. Of course I lost my void shield and divine shield, but still I am able to tank some damage. Unit with reach with only 5 hp as a tank is not a good news for my opponent. Death unit just can't deal with my op teamcomp and dies too.


I can't heal anymore and I have only 2 hp on my key tank. My back ap damage is little damaged, but it doesn't matter at all. I need just take down heavy ap caster, which is tank now.


He have life leech, but my tank had only 2 hp, so he can't leech more than 1 hp from that hit. He take a lot of damage from my damage dealers and Mana Warden, which was on second position just deal additional 3 damage to enemy tank, which was enough to kill him.


Now situation looks like I have still 4 undamaged units versus ability caster with 4 magic damage. Kinda easy if you ask me.


Game finished!


Flawless Victory!!

This was great tourney for me, because I finished in top 4!



Of course win like this build me to play more with faith for more wins!

Sadly there was split in rewards from place 4-8, but I am happy that I was able to get that prize to home!

This is it, thanks for reading my post.


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