My new experience from ranked games!

in Splinterlands6 months ago

Welcome Guys!


Long time past since my last post about Splinterlands. Now I feel that is good time to talk about new changes in ranked rewards. As far as I know it started from new season. SPS distibution is kinda different than before. There is no longer SPS in chests, there no longer daily chests! Heh so if you are not familar with new changes let me tell you what really happend.

Change is good?

I was a little bit angry for new changes after implementation. I had really good feelings in meantime that maybe after some days it can be better.


  • No daily focuses

First of all there no more daily focus, which means there is no preasure to play everyday ranked games. Now you can play your rankeds even after 2 days, if you still not have full energy like me :D From one side this is good for players, which not want to play every day and I personally like this idea, but from the other side is not the best for earning new token Glint without additional bonus from daily focus.

  • New token Glint

As I mention above, there is brand new soulbound token named Glint. Ok, but for what I can use this? It is really needed to have new token in Splinterlands? Glint token replaces rshares, which were needed for progress in daily chest farming fest, but now there no chests, so we get glint, which we can spent in shop. Now we can choose what we want to take for that token. So no more dissapointment, that we are getting only potions or merits, because we can choose to get draws with only cards.

  • SPS rewards allocation

Previously there were about 1 kk SPS in daily reward pool just for ranked games. 975k, if I good remeber were allocated in chests. Now there no chests and SPS is not there. Which means, that both pools become one big pool with almost 2kk SPS. Now there no more chance for big jackpots with SPS, but there be no more disapointment that many days in the raw we only get some small pieces of our beloved token SPS. So now we just get more SPS for winning ranked games. And I am really surrprised a lot with how many some people can get in champion for a win.


  • 50% Modern bonus

Many players are encouraged to come back by this bonus. It is applied in every winning game, but only in modern format. This was provided to human only league to get more match liqudity. Before changes in ranked rewards there was like 20x more battles in wild format.



Now with that bonus and fact that there is one big reward pool with SPS even I decided to come back to give it a try instead of playing with my silver gold foil deck in wild, where I have a way bigger rating. For now is only second day of playing and I was able to pick up my account from 600 to 1k rating. from 0.2 SPS to 1 SPS per win in modern. In wild with rating about 3k, which is Diamond III comapred to Silver III I earn like 2.5 SPS with full GF cards. So I think is possible for me to earn more from modern format, if I will be able to win and get bigger rating. We will see, anyway I see a potential in this.


  • Shop

Below battle button, which is not located in right top corner we can see button with shop.


This is the place, where we can spent hard earned Glint tokens!


There is possible to get cards from 5 different draws, but the cost increase by 50% every time we buy 10x of the same draw. So my strategy is to start from the cheapest to the most expensive and repeat to get more cards. There is option to buy title with pretty decent bonus for lands, but this cost really huge ammount of Glint anyway this is the only item tradeable from this shop, rest are soulbound items. So many people just farm for get the title. I personally like more get more missing cards and be able to use them in many tournaments :)


There are no longer chests, SPS from chests, daily focus, but we have Glint token, which is needed to buy something in shop. Overall for players like me this is better that there is now one big SPS pool instead of random chests with SPS. I not have thousands of lottery tickets to get jackpot, of course sometimes it happend in past, but now all seems to be more equal, which is better for whole ecosystem. Still I think that Glint is not well adjusted, so many voices from Community including me saw that there not much from playing ranked games and I hope so that it get reworked soon or later.

Let me know what do you think about these new changes, do you like them?
Comment below!


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I am enjoying the game so far. The recently implemented updates are interesting.
Thank you for sharing this informative article

I am glad that you like these changes! There is something, which devs value the most - players positive feedback!

Great article, a lot of useful information.
I still do not know if I like all new changes, for sure I like that we get rid of that stupid jackpot randomness chest rewards, but from the second side we have lost something more - liquidity of the rewards :(
Time will tell if this a good change.

Yeah jackpot in SPS gone, I will try to grind some rating in modern and maybe go for full rent with diamond cards, is so annoying to play versus diamond decks, when i using only silver cards, so let's have some fun ;D

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