Splinterlands Battle | Dark Ha'On.

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Splinterlands Battle | Dark Ha'On.

Welcome to my blog where I'll share my winning battle with Dark Ha'On on the battlefield.

Edited with PixelLab.

Edition: UNTAMED
Element: DEATH
ABILITIES: Taunt & Flying at level 1; Scavenger at level 2; Void at level 3; Magic Reflect at level 4.

Dark Ha'On is a shapeshifting, mystical beast that can be found in the splinterlands which fight for the death splinter. This is mainly a legendary monster from the death splinter that has a big health and nice abilities with melee attacks. If you get a big mana cap battle and you wish to play with the death splinter then it should be a nice choice to use this Dark Ha'On at the first position that attracts enemies with its "Taunt" ability which is kind of sacrificing thyself and at the same time it offers the "Flying" ability as well and I'm just talking about what it gets in the beginning level.

A Brief Info About The Battle

The battle mana cap was 29 with the "Standard" rules where I've used the death splinter with 5 monsters and my opponent also used the fire splinter with 6 monsters.

My Lineup.


I had Dark Ha'On in level 1, Spineback Wolf in level 1, Skeleton Assassin in level 1, Twisted Jester in level 1 & Dark Astronomer in level 1.

And my opponent had his/her cards as Elven Defender in level 1, Cerberus in level 1, Serpentine Spy in level 1, Fire Elemental in level 1, Spark Pixies in level 1 & Kobold Miner in level 1.

Let me talk about monsters that I used in this battle.

No 01: Dark Ha'On Legendary Death Monster

Dark Ha'On is a shapeshifting, mystical beast that can be found in the splinterlands which fight for the death splinter. This is mainly a legendary monster from the death splinter that has a big health and nice abilities with melee attacks. If you get a big mana cap battle and you wish to play with the death splinter then it should be a nice choice to use this Dark Ha'On at the first position that attracts enemies with its "Taunt" ability which is kind of sacrificing thyself and at the same time it offers the "Flying" ability as well and I'm just talking about what it gets in the beginning level.

I've used Dark Ha'On in level 1 with 2 melee attacks, 3 speed, 1 shield, 13 health with the "Taunt & Flying" abilities and it needs 10 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 02: SPINEBACK WOLF (COMMON Death Monster)

Spineback Wolves are so dangerous for the spikes on their backs and necks and for their teeth that can tear apart opponent monsters in a glimpse of an eye. And their saliva is also a powerful corrosive acid. Such a wolf should be seen in the death splinter. After being a melee monster, this one can attack from the second position as well for having the "Snipe" ability and it does have it from the lowest level.

I've used Spineback Wolf in level 1 with 1 ranged attack, 6 speeds, 1 shield, 3 health with the "Snipe" ability and It needs 5 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.


I was not so happy with this monster before as I thought it's good for nothing with its little power and health. But then after a long time, I could see it's a nice support in an opponent's team maybe. At present, I like this monster too much that I try to use it almost in every battle that I play with the death splinter. Especially it's great in little league rules.

I've used SKELETON ASSASSIN in level 1 with 1 melee attack, 4 speed, 2 health with "Sneak" ability and it needs 3 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 04: TWISTED JESTER (RARE Death Monster)

It's one of my favorite monsters in splinterlands. I'm a big fan of this card from the beginning of my splinterlands journey so I don't need to check on its ability. Twisted Jester is a good fit for the match for its special abilities and high attack, speed, health. I like that clown a lot. He doesn't talk but he bites, so be careful.

I've used TWISTED JESTER in level 1 with 2 ranged attacks, 3 speed, 4 health with "Snipe" ability and it needs 4 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 05: Dark Astronomer (RARE Death Monster)

To be honest, every time I see this monster, she reminds me of the character "Doctor Strange" of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That's about the appearance but for being a monster of the death splinter, I'd say she could replace the Twisted Jester if she (Dark Astronomer) only had the "Snipe" ability and +2 mana. I kinda like this monster nowadays.

I've used Dark Astronomer in level 1 with 2 ranged attacks, 1 speed, 4 health and it needs 4 mana to play.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

On the battlefield.

For a better experience, you may watch the battle direct from the splinterlands official website from the link below.

Link to the battle.


For the special buff of my summoner Zintar Mortalis, 3 opponent monsters lost 1 melee attack each at the beginning of the battle, and for the special buff of my opponent's summoner Pyre, all opponent monsters got +1 speed each.

Then... for being the most speed holder, my opponent's Spark Pixies started the battle with its first attack on my Dark Ha'On and destroyed the only shield. Then my Spineback Wolf attacked and killed 1 shield of my opponent's Elven Defender out of 3. And then my opponent's Fire Elemental attacked and killed 2 health of my Dark Ha'On and the "Blast" of the opponent monster destroyed the only shield that was on my Spineback Wolf. Then for having the "Sneak" ability, my Skeleton attacked the last monster of my opponent team which was Kobold Miner and killed 1 health out of 2. Then after my opponent's Serpentine Spy attacked and killed 1 more health of my Dark Ha'On, my Twisted Jester attacked and killed the Fire Elemental of my opponent and killing this opponent monster, my Twisted Jester did a fantastic otherwise that opponent monster would bother my monsters with the "Blast".

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Then my Dark Ha'On attacked and destroyed the shields of my opponent's Elven Defender and in return, my Dark Ha'On lost one health as the opponent's Elven Defender attacked and killed 1 health of my Dark Ha'On. Then my opponent's Kobold Miner attacked my Dark Ha'On and missed the shot as my Dark Ha'On had the "Flying" ability. Then my Dark Astronomer attacked and killed 2 health of my opponent's Elven Defender. Then after Spark Pixies of my opponent attacked and killed 2 health of my Dark Ha'On, my Spineback Wolf attacked and killed 1 health of my opponent's Elven Defender. And right after that, my Skeleton Assassin attacked and killed the opponent's Kobold Miner. Then my opponent's Serpentine Spy tried to attack my Dark Ha'On but missed the shot (thanks to the "Flying" ability of my Dark Ha'on) and then my Twisted Jester attacked and killed Spark Pixies of my opponent.

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After my Dark Ha'On attacked and killed 2 health of my opponent's Elven Defender, the opponent's Elven Defender attacked and killed 1 health of my Dark Ha'On. Then my Dark Astronomer and then Spineback Wolf attacked and killed the opponent's Elven Defender.

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My opponent's Haunted Spirit came forward to the first position and attacked and killed 1 health of my Dark Ha'On as soon as it (Haunted Spirit) reached the first position. Then my opponent's Serpentine Spy attacked and killed 1 health of my Dark Ha'On as well. For having the "Taunt" ability, my Dark Ha'On was attracting all the opponent monsters and was kind of sacrificing thyself while other monsters of own team can attack and finish off the opponent team. After my Skeleton Assassin attacked and killed the Serpentine Spy of my opponent, all my monsters started attacking the only monster of my opponent. First, my Twisted Jester, then Dark Ha'On, and following all other monsters kept attacking the Haunted Spirit of my opponent without giving it the chance to heal for once and at last, my Spinback Wolf finally killed it.

The battle finished in round 4 while my team had all the monsters alive. All my monsters did great on the battlefield.

Battle Results


By playing this battle, I won +6.075 Dec and +19 League Rating.

If you're interested in playing the splinterlands game then you should start it.
Here is the link to the official websites which is also my affiliate link.

Photos of the thumbnail and other splinterlands related photos and sentences are properties of splinterlands and the above GIFs were created through EZGif.

** The End **

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You did very well in this battle challenge. I had no dark haon and the idea to rent the card just for the challenge was not appealing so I pass this week's challenge. Thank you for this match. You had a successful strategy there with Dark Haon in the first position.