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RE: Are the new Riftwatchers summoners good?

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Nice write up.

I though Dallan wasn't very good on first look. However, I've been playing a lot of Death focus fire matches lately due to the Revealer (plus Djinn Muriat) and the Knock Out ruleset. In those games, I could see Cripple on every monster crushing. Remember Cripple can proc on damage to armor, effectively being +1 damage sometimes. Also, Cripple can proc on Shield.

I was really excited for Skagore, but when I went looking for her team I didn't find much in Modern that'd be fast enough. Jacek continues to be my Modern Fire savior hope.

Aquatus is good, probably broken with Phantom of the Abyss. Thank god Serpent of Eld doesn't have Phase.

Ilthain I'll take over Sloan, probably.

Fernheart has a decent line up, but will suffer from the speed issue Sloan does.

Sthispa is interesting. I like the idea of a magic debuff for all, but it seems like Water and Death will be the main beneficiaries due to their evasiveness.


Thank you.

Seems like we are not too far apart on these.

Ill have to see Dallan work before Im convinced, you have to remember Thaddius already hit the whole team with "cripple" before round 1.

As for Fernhearth I think you are right sadly :(